Saint May 29 : St Pope Paul VI whose Intercession Resulted in Miracles for Unborn Babies! Brief Biography with List of Encyclicals


Saint Pope Paul VI died on August 6, 1978. He was declared a saint on October 14, 2018. Pope Paul VI had a 15-year pontificate. His original name was Giovanni Battista Montini. Giovanni was born on September 26, 1897, in Concesio, near Brescia, Italy and died August 6, 1978, in Castel Gandolfo. He was beatified on October 19, 2014; and his feast day is September 26. He was an Italian pope of the Roman Catholic church and reigned from 1963–78.
Patron Saint of : Second Vatican Council, Archdiocese of Milan, Paul VI Pontifical Institute,   Diocese of Brescia, Concesio, Magenta Paderno Dugnano
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank Youfor raising Your Servant, St. Paul VI, to be numbered among the Saints. May his example of faith,
courage and patient endurance inspire us in our daily living of the Gospel and in our witness to Jesus Christ. May we too be Prophets of life,
respecting, protecting and cherishing the gift of life, most especially in its most vulnerable moments. May we too be Your missionaries at this time,
seeking to transform the hearts of all men and women through the joy we find in Christ. Hear our prayers, most Merciful Father, and grant us through the intercession of Saint Paul the graces we now ask of You
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
This period included most of the second Vatican Council (1962–65) and the immediate postconciliar era. He issued directives and guidance to a changing Roman Catholic church post-Vatican Council II. He is famous for his pro-life encyclical “Humanae Vitae”, which, affirmed the intimate union between conjugal love and openness to life. Both the miracles attributed to the intercession of Paul VI are regarding foetuses, i.e. unborn life. The miracle considered for Paul VI’s canonization was regarding a woman from Verona whose unborn child was in danger of being born dead or heavily deformed. The gynecologist suggested to the family to pray to Paul VI and then the girl was born on Christmas day that year in complete health.
He was the son of a middle-class lawyer—who was also a journalist and local political figure—and of a mother belonging to the same social background, Montini was in his early years educated mainly at home because of frail health. Later he studied in Brescia. Ordained priest on May 29, 1920, he was sent by his bishop to Rome for higher studies and was eventually recruited for the Vatican diplomatic service. His first assignment, in May 1923, was to the staff of the apostolic nunciature (papal ambassador’s post) in Warsaw, but persistent ill health brought him back to Rome before the end of that same year. He then pursued special studies at the Ecclesiastical Academy, the training school for future Vatican diplomats, and at the same time resumed work at the Vatican Secretariat of State, where he remained in posts of increasing importance for more than 30 years.  
In 1939 Montini was appointed papal undersecretary of state and later, in 1944, acting secretary for ordinary (or nondiplomatic) affairs. He declined an invitation to be elevated to the Sacred College of Cardinals in 1953. In the beginning of November 1954, Pope Pius XII appointed him archbishop of Milan, and Pope John XXIII named him cardinal in 1958. He was elected pope on June 21, 1963, choosing to be known as Paul VI. (Edited from Encyclopedia Britannica and Vatican News)
Below please find the FULL list of Pope Paul VI Encyclicals and Apostolic Exhortations from the Vatican Web Site:
Humanae Vitae (July 25, 1968)
English - French - German - Hungarian - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Sacerdotalis Caelibatus (June 24, 1967)
English - French - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Populorum Progressio (March 26, 1967)
English - French - German - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Christi Matri (September 15, 1966)
English - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Mysterium Fidei (September 3, 1965)
English - French - German - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Mense Maio (April 29, 1965)
English - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Ecclesiam Suam (August 6, 1964)
English - French - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Apostolic Exhortations
Evangelii Nuntiandi (December 8, 1975)
Croatian - English - French - German - Hungarian - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Gaudete in Domino (May 9, 1975)
English - Italian - Latin - Spanish ]

Paterna cum benevolentia (December 8, 1974)
Italian - Latin ]

Nobis in Animo (March 25, 1974)
Italian - Latin ]

Marialis Cultus (February 2, 1974)
English - French - German - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Evangelica Testificatio (June 29, 1971)
English - Italian - Latin - Portuguese - Spanish ]

Quinque iam anni (December 8, 1970)
Italian - Latin - Portuguese ]

Recurrens mensis october (October 7, 1969)
Italian - Latin ]

Signum Magnum (May 13, 1967)
English - Italian - Latin - Portuguese ]

Petrum et Paulum Apostolos (February 22, 1967)
Italian - Latin ]

Postrema Sessio (November 4, 1965)
Latin ]

Quarta Sessio (August 28, 1965)
Latin ]v
