Saint May 14 : St. Matthias the Apostle who was Chosen to Replace Judas Iscariot - Patron Saint of Alcoholics and Carpenters - with Prayer
St. Matthias Apostle - Died: Colchis in 80
Patron Saint of: alcoholism; carpenters; Gary, Indiana; Great Falls-Billings, Montana; smallpox; tailors
Prayer : O God, who assigned Saint Matthias a place in the college of Apostles, grant us, through his intercession, that, rejoicing at how your love has been allotted to us, we may merit to be numbered among the elect. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Dear Jesus, on this Feast of this added Apostle, Matthias, I thank you for numbering me among your Apostles. Help me to remain in your love, each and every day, in the midst of the things you ask of me, in the ways you ask me to witness to your own merciful love for others. I ask this with faith in the power of your Spirit among us. Amen. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Clement of Alexandria (Stromata III.4) records a sentence that the Nicolaitans ascribe to Matthias: "we must combat our flesh, set no value upon it, and concede to it nothing that can flatter it, but rather increase the growth of our soul by faith and knowledge". This teaching was probably found in the Gospel of Matthias which was mentioned by Origen (Hom. i in Lucam); by Eusebius (Church History III.25), who attributes it to heretics; by St. Jerome (Praef. in Matth.), and in the Decree of Gelasius (VI, 8) which declares it apocryphal. It is at the end of the list of the Codex Barrocciamus (206). This Gospel is probably the document whence Clement of Alexandria quoted several passages, saying that they were borrowed from the traditions of Matthias, Paradoseis, the testimony of which he claimed to have been invoked by the heretics Valentinus, Marcion, and Basilides (Stromata VII.17). According to the Philosophoumena, VII, 20, Basilides quoted apocryphal discourses, which he attributed to Matthias. These three writings: the gospel, the Traditions, and the Apocryphal Discourses were identified by Zahn (Gesch. des N. T. Kanon, II, 751).
This apocrypha relates that Matthias went among the cannibals and, being cast into prison, was delivered by Andrew. Needless to say, the entire narrative is without historical value. Moreover, it should be remembered that, in the apocryphal writings, Matthew and Matthias have sometimes been confounded. Text - Catholic Encyclopedia - Image source Google