Saint May 14 : St. Corona a Virgin Martyr who is the Patron Saint of Pandemics, Epidemics, and Plagues

Patron saint for those suffering from pandemics, epidemics, and plagues. 
Her Feast Day is May 14. 
St. Corona means Crown in Latin, (the coronavirus is similarly named, from the spikes of protein that form a crown around the virus.) The crown is an emblem for martyrdom, particularly for female saints. 
 St. Victor was a Roman soldier in Syria who was martyred for his Christian faith during the persecutions organized by Emperor Antoninus Pius. Corona was in the crowd at the public execution, where she experienced a vision of two crowns descending from heaven — one for Victor, and another for some other individual who was about to die for Christ. When she described the revelation to those around her, she was accused of also being a Christian and was martyred by being “torn to pieces between two trees” (apparently meaning that she was tied to the ends of two palm trees which had been bent down, and was then torn apart when the trees were released). 
Prayer: Saint Corona, Your powerful intercession has helped sufferers of pandemics and epidemics. Intercede for us, Saint Corona, so that our faith may be strong, our courage firm, and our charity genuine. Ask the Lord for healing for those suffering and guidance for those caring for them. Help us to know that God is in control and His plan is perfect. Amen.
Corona, Pray for Us. 
