Pope Francis says "only God's love conquers death" - "And then let's not forget to pray for peace: let's pray for the peoples who are victims of war." FULL TEXT

in Paul VI Audience Hall - Wednesday, 1st May 2024
The following text includes parts that were not read out loud, but should be considered as such.
Cycle of Catechesis. Vices and Virtues. 17. Faith
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
Today I would like to talk about the virtue of faith. Together with charity and hope, this virtue is described as theologal. There are three theologal virtues: faith, hope and charity. Why are they theologal? Because they can be lived – this virtue, the three theologal virtues – only thanks to the gift of God. The three theologal virtues are the great gifts that God gives to our moral capacity. Without them, we could be prudent, just, strong and temperate, but we would not have eyes that see even in the dark, we would not have a heart that loves even when it is not loved, we would not have a hope that dares against all hope.
What is faith? This question: what is faith? The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, it explains that faith is the act by which the human being freely commits himself to God (1814). In this faith, Abraham was the great father. When he agreed to leave the land of his ancestors to head for the land that God would show him, he would probably have been judged insane: why leave the known for the unknown, the certain for the uncertain? But why do this? It is insane, isn’t it? But Abraham sets off, as if he could see the invisible: this is what the Bible says about Abraham. “He went, not knowing where he was to go”. This is beautiful. And it will again be the invisible that makes him go up the mountain with his son Isaac, the only son of the promise, who only at the last moment will be spared from sacrifice. In this faith, Abraham becomes the father of a long line of descendants. Faith made him fruitful.

Moses was be a man of faith when, welcoming God’s voice even more than one doubt could have shaken him, he continued to stand firm and trust in the Lord, and even defend the people who were so often lacking in faith.

The Virgin Mary was a woman of faith when, receiving the annunciation of the Angel, which many would have dismissed as too demanding and risky, answered, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38). And, with her heart full of faith, with her heart full of trust in God, Mary set out on a path of which she knew neither the route nor the dangers.

Faith is the virtue that makes the Christian. Because to be Christians is not first and foremost about accepting a culture, with the values that accompany it, but being Christian is welcoming and cherishing a bond, a bond with God: God and I, myself and the amiable face of Jesus. This bond is what makes us Christians.

With regard to faith, an episode of the Gospel comes to mind. Jesus’ disciples were crossing the lake, and are surprised by the storm. They think they can get by with the strength of their arms, with the resources of their experience, but the boat starts to fill up with water and they are seized by panic (cf. Mk 4: 35-41). They do not realize that they have the solution before their very eyes: Jesus is there with them on the boat, in the midst of the storm, and Jesus “was asleep”, says the Gospel. When they finally awaken Him, fearful and even angry that He would let them die, Jesus rebukes them: “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” (Mk 4:40).

Here, then, is the great enemy of faith: it is not intelligence, nor is it reason, as, alas, some continue obsessively to repeat; but the great enemy of fear. For this reason, faith is the first gift to welcome in Christian life: a gift that must be welcomed and asked for daily, so that it may be renewed in us. It is seemingly a small gift, yet it is the essential one. When we were brought to the baptismal font, our parents, after announcing the name they had chosen for us, were asked by the priest – this happened in our baptism: “What do you ask of the Church of God?” And the parents answered: “Faith, baptism!”

For Christian parents, aware of the grace that has been given them, that is the gift to ask for their child too: faith. With it, parents know that, even in the midst of the trials of life, their child will not drown in fear. See, the enemy is fear. They also know that, when the child ceases to have a parent on this earth, he will continue to have a God the Father in heaven, who will never abandon him. Our love is so fragile, and only God's love conquers death.

Certainly, as the Apostle says, faith is not for all (cf. 2 Thess 3:2), and we too, who are believers, often realize that we have only a short supply. Often Jesus can rebuke us, as He did with His disciples, for being “men of little faith”. But it is the happiest gift, the only virtue we are permitted to envy. Because those who have faith are inhabited by a force that is not only human; indeed, faith “triggers” grace in us and opens the mind to the mystery of God. As Jesus once said, “If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this sycamine tree, ‘Be rooted up, and be planted in the sea’, and it would obey you” (Lk 17:6). Therefore, let us too, like the disciples, repeat to Him: Lord, increase our faith! (Lk 17:5). It is a beautiful prayer! Shall we say it all together? “Lord, increase our faith”. Let us say it together [everyone] “Lord, increase our faith”. Too quiet… a bit louder: [everyone] “Lord, increase our faith”! Thank you.

Finally, my thoughts go to the young people, the sick, the elderly and the newlyweds. Today, May 1st, with the whole Church we commemorate Saint Joseph the Worker and begin the Marian month. Therefore, to each of you I would like to propose the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model of domestic community: community of life, work and love.

And then let's not forget to pray for peace: let's pray for the peoples who are victims of war. War is always a defeat, always. Let's think about the tormented Ukraine which suffers so much. Let's think about the inhabitants of Palestine and Israel, who are at war. Let's think about the Rohingya, about Myanmar, and ask for peace. We ask for true peace for these peoples and for the whole world. Unfortunately today the investments that generate the most income are weapons factories. Terrible, earning with death. We ask for peace, for peace to continue.

My blessing to all!

Special Greetings
I extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. In particular, I greet the Mercedarian Sisters who are celebrating the General Chapter, encouraging them to persevere in service to the Gospel and to the Church, in the footsteps of the foundress, the Servant of God Mother Teresa of Jesus. I also greet the clerics of the Don Orione Theological Institute of Rome and I urge them to live this time of formation with intensity, renewing day by day their willingness to respond to the Lord's call.

I warmly welcome the faithful of Frisa and Panni, hoping that the visit to the tomb of the Apostles will strengthen their faith and Christian testimony.

I extend a warm welcome to the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially the groups from Finland, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Uganda, India, Malaysia, Canada and the United States of America. I also wish to express to the people of Kenya my spiritual closeness at this time as severe flooding has tragically taken the lives of many of our brothers and sisters, injured others and caused widespread destruction. I invite you to pray for all those affected by this natural disaster. Even amidst adversity, we remember the joy of the risen Christ, and I invoke upon you and your families the loving mercy of God our Father. May the Lord bless you!


Je salue cordialement les pèlerins francophones, en particulier les paroisses et les jeunes venus de France. Alors que nous sommes encore, en ce temps de Pâques, dans la mémoire et la joie de la résurrection du Seigneur, demandons-lui la grâce d’adhérer toujours plus à ce mystère et de nous attacher avec tendresse à sa personne pour le suivre là où il nous conduit. Que Dieu vous bénisse !

[I cordially greet the French-speaking pilgrims, in particular the parishes and the young people who have come from France. While we are still, in this Easter season, in the memory and joy of the Lord's resurrection, let us ask him for the grace to adhere ever more closely to this mystery and to adhere with tenderness to his person to follow him wherever he leads us. God bless you!]

Liebe Gläubige deutscher Sprache, heute gedenken wir besonders des heiligen Josef, der in seinem Leben für die Pläne Gottes offen und bereit war. Sein Vorbild di lui helfe auch uns, im Glauben festzustehen, der uns die Gewissheit gibt, dass der Herr uns immer begleitet.

[Dear German-speaking faithful, today we remember in a particular way Saint Joseph, who promptly accepted God's plans in his life. May his example help us to be firm in the faith, which gives us the certainty that the Lord always accompanies us.]

I cordially greet the pilgrims of the Spanish language, in particular the Regnum Christi Federation, the Legionaries of Christ who have received the priestly ordination in these days and their families, as well as the trainers and students of the different educational centers. Lord, through the intercession of Saint José, father of obedience, we increase the gift of faith and allow us to open our minds to his divine mystery. May Jesus bless him and the Holy Virgin guard him. Much thanks.

Queridos peregrinos de língua portuguesa, seat bem-vindos. That São José Operário inspires you to pace every day with a special work: the hour. Nela, before the day, let's ask the Senhor who renews and increases our faith, so that we can continue our activity by Ele cece and in Ele acabe. God vos beneçoe!

[Dear Portuguese-speaking pilgrims, welcome. May Saint Joseph the Worker inspire you to mark each day with a special commitment: prayer. In it, we first ask the Lord to renew and increase our faith, so that all our work has its beginning and its completion in Him. God bless you!]

أُحَيِّي المُؤمِنينَ النَّاطِقينَ باللغَةِ العربِيَّة. المَسِيحِيُّ مَدعُوٌ إلى أنْ يَثِقَ باللهِ وأنْ يُسَلِّمَ نفسَهُ له بِحُرِّيَّة، لأنَّنا مَعَهُ نحن في سلامٍ وأمان. Let's go!

[I greet the Arabic-speaking faithful. The Christian is called to trust God and abandon himself to Him freely, because with Him we are in peace and security. May the Lord bless you all and protect you always from all evil!]

Pozdrawiam serdecznie Polaków. Podczas majowych nabożeństw zwierzajcie Matce Bożej sprawy osobiste, rodzinne, a także cierpienia ludzi, którzy są ofiarami wojen. Módlcie się za Kościół i Ojczyznę, o pokój na Ukrainie i na Bliskim Wschodzie. Niech Maryja, którą sto lat fear Pius XI ustanowił Królową dla całej Polski, wspiera was i prowadzi. Z serca wam błogosławię.

[I cordially greet the Poles. During the prayers of the month of May, confide in Our Lady your personal and family affairs, as well as the suffering of those who are victims of wars. Pray for the Church, for the homeland, for peace in Ukraine and in the Middle East. May Mary, whom Pius XI established as Queen for all of Poland one hundred years ago, support and guide you. I bless you from the bottom of my heart.]
