Pope Francis says "Make yourself a “gift for God”. It is the sense of the monastic vocation, which places the work of God at the root of every action, that is, prayer..."

This morning, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience the monastic community of the Montevergine Abbey.

Greetings from the Holy Father

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

I welcome all of you, the Father Abbot, the monks and the collaborators. You wanted this meeting on the occasion of the Jubilee for the ninth centenary of the foundation of the Abbey of Montevergine, which took place in 1124 by San Guglielmo da Vercelli.

At the origin of your story there are no miracles or extraordinary events, but the concern of a Pastor, the Bishop of Avellino, who wanted to build a church in that elevated place and gather a small number of people in the service of God, to make it a center of prayer, evangelization and charity. I would therefore like to underline, in our meeting, the importance of these two dimensions in your life and in your apostolate, and I do so with some words attributed to Saint Augustine: «Esto donum Deo ut sis donum Dei», make yourselves a gift for God , to be a gift from God.

Make yourself a “gift for God”. It is the sense of the monastic vocation, which places the work of God at the root of every action, that is, prayer, to which Saint Benedict recommends placing nothing before (see Rule 43.3). The Sanctuary of the Madonna di Montevergine, placed high up, like a lookout, is visible from all over Irpinia, and the faithful flock there, often on foot, to find consolation and hope, to receive new strength during the pilgrimage, as they still remember today many traditional songs, including dialect ones, which accompany the pilgrimages. Welcoming them is the beautiful icon of the Mother of God, with her large almond-shaped eyes, ready to collect tears and prayers, which shows everyone, on her knees, the Child Jesus, the Son of God made man. Well, making yourself a "gift for God" means praying to have those big, good eyes too, and to show everyone you meet, like Mary, the Lord, present in your hearts.

During the Second World War, your community had the grace of welcoming the Holy Shroud, brought in secret to your Sanctuary, so that it could be kept and venerated there, safe from the risk of bombing. This too is a beautiful image of your primary vocation: to guard the image of Christ within you, to be able to show it to your brothers.

Then the second point: being a "gift of God". That is, giving oneself generously to those who go up to the Sanctuary, so that, by approaching the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, they feel, in attention and prayer, welcomed and carried under the mantle of the Mother of God. And being monks, physically far from the world, but spiritually very close to its problems and anxieties, guardians in the silence of communion with the Lord, and at the same time his generous guests in welcoming others (see Rule 53.1), and this can make you, for who meets you, a living and eloquent sign of the presence of God. Therefore, dear brothers, I recommend that you not give in to the temptation to conform to the mentality and styles of the world, to let yourselves be constantly transformed by God, renewing your heart and growing in Him (see Rom 12:2), so that those who come to you in search of light will not be disappointed.

Dear friends, in Montevergine you are lucky enough to be guests in Maria's House, to live under her merciful gaze, guarded by "Mamma Schiavona", as she is affectionately called. Treasure this gift and cultivate it within you so you can share it with everyone. Thank you for coming. I bless you from the bottom of my heart. And I ask you to please pray for me. Thank you!
