Pope Francis says Let "us pray to the Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and of the Son" - "May the Spirit lead world leaders and each one of us to open doors and pathways to peace" on Pentecost - FULL TEXT + Video

At 12 noon today, Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Father Francis appeared at the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace to recite the Regina Caeli with the approximately 20 thousand faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square.
These are the words of the Pope in introducing the Marian prayer:
Dear brothers and sisters, happy Pentecost, good morning!
Today, the Solemnity of Pentecost, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles. In the Gospel of the liturgy, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit and says that He teaches us "everything that He has heard" (see John 16:13).
But what does this expression mean? What did the Holy Spirit hear? What does it tell us about?
He speaks to us with words that express wonderful feelings, such as affection, gratitude, trust, mercy. Words that make us aware of a beautiful, luminous, concrete and lasting relationship such as the eternal love of God: the words that the Father and the Son say to each other. They are precisely the transforming words of love, which the Holy Spirit repeats in us, and which are good for us to listen to, because these words give birth and make the same feelings and intentions grow in our hearts: they are fruitful words.
This is why it is important that we nourish ourselves every day with the Words of God, the Words of Jesus, inspired by the Spirit. And many times I say: read a piece of the Gospel, have a small, pocket-sized Gospel and take it with us, taking advantage of favorable moments. The priest and poet Clemente Rebora, speaking of his conversion, wrote in his diary: «And the Word silenced my chatter!» (Curriculum vitae)The Word of God silences our superficial chatter and makes us say serious words, beautiful words, joyful words. «And the Word silenced my chatter». Listening to the Word of God silences chatter. This is how to give space within us to the voice of the Holy Spirit. And then in Adoration - let's not forget the prayer of adoration in silence - especially the simple, silent one, as adoration is. And there to say good words within ourselves, to say them to the heart so that we can say them to others, later, for each other. And so we see that they come from the voice of the Comforter, of the Spirit.
Dear sisters and brothers, reading and meditating on the Gospel, praying in silence, saying good words, are not difficult things, no, we can all do them. They are easier than insulting, getting angry... And then we ask ourselves: what place do these words have in my life? How can I cultivate them, to better listen to the Holy Spirit, and become an echo of him for others?
May Mary, present at Pentecost with the Apostles, make us docile to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
After the Regina Caeli
Dear brothers and sisters!
The Holy Spirit is the One who creates harmony, harmony! And he creates it starting from different, sometimes even conflicting, realities. Today, the feast of Pentecost, let us pray to the Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and of the Son, to create harmony in hearts, harmony in families, harmony in society, harmony in the whole world; may the Spirit increase communion and brotherhood between Christians of different confessions; give rulers the courage to carry out gestures of dialogue, which lead to an end to wars. The many wars today: let's think of Ukraine - my thoughts go in particular to the city of Kharkiv, which suffered an attack two days ago -; let's think of the Holy Land, Palestine, Israel; let's think of many places where there are wars. May the Spirit lead the leaders of the nations and all of us to open doors of peace.
I express my gratitude for the welcome and affection of the Veronese yesterday: the Veronese were good! Thank you thank you. In particular, I think of the Verona prison, I think of the inmates, the inmates who have testified to me once again that life, humanity and hope pulsate behind the walls of a prison. My heartfelt "thank you" goes to all the prison staff, and in particular to the director, Dr. Francesca Gioieni.
I greet all of you, pilgrims from Rome and from different parts of Italy and the world. In particular I greet those from Timor-Leste – I will visit you soon! –, those of Latvia and Uruguay; as well as the Paraguayan community of Rome, which celebrates the Virgen de Caacupé, and the Portuguese Catholic Mission of Lucerne.
I greet the children of the Immaculate Conception; I greet the Sisters who are there, well done! I greet the faithful of Benevento, Porto Azzurro and Terracina, and the “Caterina di Santa Rosa” Institute in Rome.
I wish everyone a happy Sunday. Please don't forget to pray for me. Have a nice lunch and see you!
These are the words of the Pope in introducing the Marian prayer:
Dear brothers and sisters, happy Pentecost, good morning!
Today, the Solemnity of Pentecost, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles. In the Gospel of the liturgy, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit and says that He teaches us "everything that He has heard" (see John 16:13).
But what does this expression mean? What did the Holy Spirit hear? What does it tell us about?
He speaks to us with words that express wonderful feelings, such as affection, gratitude, trust, mercy. Words that make us aware of a beautiful, luminous, concrete and lasting relationship such as the eternal love of God: the words that the Father and the Son say to each other. They are precisely the transforming words of love, which the Holy Spirit repeats in us, and which are good for us to listen to, because these words give birth and make the same feelings and intentions grow in our hearts: they are fruitful words.
This is why it is important that we nourish ourselves every day with the Words of God, the Words of Jesus, inspired by the Spirit. And many times I say: read a piece of the Gospel, have a small, pocket-sized Gospel and take it with us, taking advantage of favorable moments. The priest and poet Clemente Rebora, speaking of his conversion, wrote in his diary: «And the Word silenced my chatter!» (Curriculum vitae)The Word of God silences our superficial chatter and makes us say serious words, beautiful words, joyful words. «And the Word silenced my chatter». Listening to the Word of God silences chatter. This is how to give space within us to the voice of the Holy Spirit. And then in Adoration - let's not forget the prayer of adoration in silence - especially the simple, silent one, as adoration is. And there to say good words within ourselves, to say them to the heart so that we can say them to others, later, for each other. And so we see that they come from the voice of the Comforter, of the Spirit.
Dear sisters and brothers, reading and meditating on the Gospel, praying in silence, saying good words, are not difficult things, no, we can all do them. They are easier than insulting, getting angry... And then we ask ourselves: what place do these words have in my life? How can I cultivate them, to better listen to the Holy Spirit, and become an echo of him for others?
May Mary, present at Pentecost with the Apostles, make us docile to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
After the Regina Caeli
Dear brothers and sisters!
The Holy Spirit is the One who creates harmony, harmony! And he creates it starting from different, sometimes even conflicting, realities. Today, the feast of Pentecost, let us pray to the Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and of the Son, to create harmony in hearts, harmony in families, harmony in society, harmony in the whole world; may the Spirit increase communion and brotherhood between Christians of different confessions; give rulers the courage to carry out gestures of dialogue, which lead to an end to wars. The many wars today: let's think of Ukraine - my thoughts go in particular to the city of Kharkiv, which suffered an attack two days ago -; let's think of the Holy Land, Palestine, Israel; let's think of many places where there are wars. May the Spirit lead the leaders of the nations and all of us to open doors of peace.
I express my gratitude for the welcome and affection of the Veronese yesterday: the Veronese were good! Thank you thank you. In particular, I think of the Verona prison, I think of the inmates, the inmates who have testified to me once again that life, humanity and hope pulsate behind the walls of a prison. My heartfelt "thank you" goes to all the prison staff, and in particular to the director, Dr. Francesca Gioieni.
I greet all of you, pilgrims from Rome and from different parts of Italy and the world. In particular I greet those from Timor-Leste – I will visit you soon! –, those of Latvia and Uruguay; as well as the Paraguayan community of Rome, which celebrates the Virgen de Caacupé, and the Portuguese Catholic Mission of Lucerne.
I greet the children of the Immaculate Conception; I greet the Sisters who are there, well done! I greet the faithful of Benevento, Porto Azzurro and Terracina, and the “Caterina di Santa Rosa” Institute in Rome.
I wish everyone a happy Sunday. Please don't forget to pray for me. Have a nice lunch and see you!