Pope Francis at Trinity Sunday Mass with 50,000 says "We pray to God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. How many 'gods' are there? One in three persons" on World's Children's Day
St. Peter's Square
Sunday, May 26, 2024
St. Peter's Square
Sunday, May 26, 2024
The final event of the first World Children’s Day – an event held at the request of Pope Francis, which yesterday brought together around 50,000 young people in Rome’s Olympic Stadium – was a Mass held in St Peter’s Square. The day was Trinity Sunday, and the Pope reflected on the feast in his homily.
HOMILY - Dear boys, dear girls, we are here to pray, pray together, pray to God. Agreed? Do you agree with this? Yes? And we pray to God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. How many “gods” are there? One in three persons: the Father who created us all, who loves us so much God and when we pray to God the Father, what is the prayer, what is the prayer that we all pray? [they answer: the Our Father].
We always ask God, Our Father, to accompany us in life and to make us grow and what is the Son's name?
What is the name of the Son? [they answer: Jesus] I can't hear well! Jesus! And Jesus, we pray to Jesus so that he helps us, so that he is close to us and also when we take communion we receive Jesus and Jesus forgives us all our sins. Is this true that Jesus forgives everything? [they answer: yes] You can't hear it, what's happening... Is it true? Yes! But does he always forgive everything? [they answer: yes] Always, always, always? [they answer: yes] And if there is a man or a woman, sinner, sinner, sinner with many sins, does Jesus forgive them? [they answer: yes] Do you forgive even the ugliest of sinners? [they answer: yes] Yes! Don't forget this: Jesus forgives everything and always forgives and we must have the humility to ask for forgiveness. “Forgive me, Lord, I made a mistake. I'm weak. Life has put me in difficulty but you forgive everything. I would like to change my life and you help me." But I didn't hear correctly, is it true, forgive everything? [they answer: yes] Well done, don't forget about this.
The problem is: who is the Holy Spirit? Eh, it's not easy, because the Holy Spirit is God, he is within us. We receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism, we receive it in the Sacraments. The Holy Spirit is what accompanies us in life. Let's think this and say it together: "The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life". All together: “The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life”. It is what tells us in our hearts the good things we must do. Another time: “The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life”. It's the one who scolds us inside when we do something badly. “The Holy Spirit…” You forgot, I don't hear… Another time! The Holy Spirit is the one who gives us strength, consoles us in difficulties. Together: “The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life”.
Thus, dear brothers and sisters, boys and girls, we are all happy because we believe. Faith makes us happy. And we believe in God who is "Father, Son and Holy Spirit". All together: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. The Father who created us, Jesus who saved us and the Holy Spirit what does he do?
Thanks so much to you, but to be sure, Christians, we also have a mother, what is our mother's name? What is the name of our Mother of Heaven? [they answer: Mary] Do you know how to pray to the Madonna? [answer: yes] Are you sure? Let's do it now, I want to hear... [they recite the Hail Mary] Well done boys and girls, good girls and boys, you are good. The Father created us, the Son saved us and what did the Holy Spirit do? Well done! May God bless you, pray for us, so that we can move forward, all of us, pray for parents, pray for grandparents, pray for sick children. Here there are many sick children behind me. Always pray and above all pray for peace, so that there will be no wars. Now let's continue the mass but so as not to forget, what was the Holy Spirit doing? Well done! After you!
Greeting from the Holy Father at the end of the Eucharistic Celebration
Dear children, dear girls, mass is over, but today we talked about God, about God the Father who created the world, about God the Son who redeemed us and about God the Holy Spirit, but what did the Holy Spirit do? I don't remember... [they answer: it accompanies us in life] I don't feel well... [they answer: it accompanies us in life] It accompanies us in life. Now we all together pray to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit: “Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen". Now we're leaving, say goodbye to your parents, your friends, but above all you saw that when they brought the bread and wine, there were children, there was even a grandfather: say goodbye to the grandparents! Agree? And a round of applause to the grandparents. Thank you very much! And I would like to thank those who organized this, Father Enzo Fortunato who did so much, Commander Cagnoli who did so much and all those who helped them. Dear boys and girls, goodbye!
HOMILY - Dear boys, dear girls, we are here to pray, pray together, pray to God. Agreed? Do you agree with this? Yes? And we pray to God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. How many “gods” are there? One in three persons: the Father who created us all, who loves us so much God and when we pray to God the Father, what is the prayer, what is the prayer that we all pray? [they answer: the Our Father].
We always ask God, Our Father, to accompany us in life and to make us grow and what is the Son's name?
What is the name of the Son? [they answer: Jesus] I can't hear well! Jesus! And Jesus, we pray to Jesus so that he helps us, so that he is close to us and also when we take communion we receive Jesus and Jesus forgives us all our sins. Is this true that Jesus forgives everything? [they answer: yes] You can't hear it, what's happening... Is it true? Yes! But does he always forgive everything? [they answer: yes] Always, always, always? [they answer: yes] And if there is a man or a woman, sinner, sinner, sinner with many sins, does Jesus forgive them? [they answer: yes] Do you forgive even the ugliest of sinners? [they answer: yes] Yes! Don't forget this: Jesus forgives everything and always forgives and we must have the humility to ask for forgiveness. “Forgive me, Lord, I made a mistake. I'm weak. Life has put me in difficulty but you forgive everything. I would like to change my life and you help me." But I didn't hear correctly, is it true, forgive everything? [they answer: yes] Well done, don't forget about this.
The problem is: who is the Holy Spirit? Eh, it's not easy, because the Holy Spirit is God, he is within us. We receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism, we receive it in the Sacraments. The Holy Spirit is what accompanies us in life. Let's think this and say it together: "The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life". All together: “The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life”. It is what tells us in our hearts the good things we must do. Another time: “The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life”. It's the one who scolds us inside when we do something badly. “The Holy Spirit…” You forgot, I don't hear… Another time! The Holy Spirit is the one who gives us strength, consoles us in difficulties. Together: “The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life”.
Thus, dear brothers and sisters, boys and girls, we are all happy because we believe. Faith makes us happy. And we believe in God who is "Father, Son and Holy Spirit". All together: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. The Father who created us, Jesus who saved us and the Holy Spirit what does he do?
Thanks so much to you, but to be sure, Christians, we also have a mother, what is our mother's name? What is the name of our Mother of Heaven? [they answer: Mary] Do you know how to pray to the Madonna? [answer: yes] Are you sure? Let's do it now, I want to hear... [they recite the Hail Mary] Well done boys and girls, good girls and boys, you are good. The Father created us, the Son saved us and what did the Holy Spirit do? Well done! May God bless you, pray for us, so that we can move forward, all of us, pray for parents, pray for grandparents, pray for sick children. Here there are many sick children behind me. Always pray and above all pray for peace, so that there will be no wars. Now let's continue the mass but so as not to forget, what was the Holy Spirit doing? Well done! After you!
Greeting from the Holy Father at the end of the Eucharistic Celebration
Dear children, dear girls, mass is over, but today we talked about God, about God the Father who created the world, about God the Son who redeemed us and about God the Holy Spirit, but what did the Holy Spirit do? I don't remember... [they answer: it accompanies us in life] I don't feel well... [they answer: it accompanies us in life] It accompanies us in life. Now we all together pray to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit: “Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen". Now we're leaving, say goodbye to your parents, your friends, but above all you saw that when they brought the bread and wine, there were children, there was even a grandfather: say goodbye to the grandparents! Agree? And a round of applause to the grandparents. Thank you very much! And I would like to thank those who organized this, Father Enzo Fortunato who did so much, Commander Cagnoli who did so much and all those who helped them. Dear boys and girls, goodbye!