Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Joseph Williams as New Coadjutor Bishop of Camden, New Jersey - VIDEO

Pope Francis Appoints Bishop Joseph Williams as Coadjutor Bishop of Camden
May 21, 2024
WASHINGTON - Pope Francis has appointed Most Reverend Joseph A. Williams, auxiliary bishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, as Coadjutor Bishop of Camden.
The appointment was publicized in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 2024, by Cardinal Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.
(VIDEO Starts at the 00:40 Second Mark Below)

Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan is the current bishop of Camden, and the appointment as coadjutor bishop confers on Bishop Williams the right of succession for the Diocese of Camden.

Bishop Williams’ biography may be found below.

The Diocese of Camden is comprised of 2,691 square miles in the State of New Jersey and has a total population of 1,365,458 of which 311,489, are Catholic.

BIOGRAPHY - Bishop Joseph A. Williams was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis in 2002 and his episcopal ordination took place January 25, 2022, the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul. Prior to his role as auxiliary bishop and current assignment as moderator and priest-in-solidum of the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Saint Paul, he served as pastor of Saint Stephen in Minneapolis (2008-2022) and parochial administrator of Holy Rosary in Minneapolis (2020-2022), ministered as a parochial vicar of the Cathedral of Saint Paul in St. Paul (2002-2004) and Divine Mercy in Faribault (2004-2005), and was pastor of Saint Mathias in Hampton and Saint Mary in New Trier (2005-2008). He has also served as coordinator of the Archdiocesan Outreach to Persons with Disabilities (2003-2005).

He was appointed the Archdiocese’s Vicar for Latino Ministry in 2018. He is a member of the board of trustees for The St. Paul Seminary and St. John Vianney College Seminary. He has served as chaplain of the Minnesota House of Representatives.

Born May 2, 1974, to Dr. Gary and Mary Williams, Bishop Williams is the third of nine children. He grew up in Stillwater, where he attended Saint Croix Catholic School and Stillwater High School. His brother, Father Peter Williams, ordained in 2004, is a priest of the Archdiocese, and is Pastor of Saint Ambrose in Woodbury.

Bishop Williams holds a B.A. in biology from the University of Minnesota Morris, graduating summa cum laude in 1996. He studied philosophy and pre-theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, from 1996-1998 and attended The St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity in St. Paul from 1998-2002, where he earned a Master of Divinity degree. He was ordained a priest at age 28.

Bishop Williams is known for his longtime ministry to Latino and Spanish-speaking Catholics in the Archdiocese, beginning in Faribault, where he and other parish leaders worked to bring healing to a Latino community that had been affected by drug raids. Members of both of his most recent parishes are predominantly Latino, and he has worked to change negative cultural perceptions of undocumented immigrants and he has led neighborhood-based evangelization efforts, which include knocking on doors and inviting people to Mass and faith formation.

“I am humbled and honored by Pope Francis’ appointment,” Bishop Williams said of the Pope’s Dec. 10, 2021 announcement naming him a bishop. “I love Jesus and his Church, and I look forward to joining the faithful of Saint Paul and Minneapolis in sharing that love with our neighbors, especially the poor and the immigrant. I have had the privilege of serving our Spanish speaking sisters and brothers for over 15 years. Their tender love of God and devotion to the priesthood have inspired me to live out my vows daily. I am confident the Holy Spirit will show Archbishop Hebda how I may best support him in caring for all the wonderful people of this Archdiocese. Please pray for us.”
Photo credit: Dave Hrbacek/The Catholic Spirit.
USCCB Release
