Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for April "For the role of women - We pray that the dignity and immense value of women be recognized in every culture..." FULL TEXT
Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for April "For the role of women -
We pray that the dignity and immense value of women be recognized in every culture, and for the end of discrimination that they experience in different parts of the world."
Pope Francis' Words from the Video: Many women are treated as “something to get rid of.” “There are countries where women are forbidden to access aid, open a business, or go to school.” Did you know this is still happening in the 21st century? It’s time to act! In a new Pope Video intention, produced by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, Pope Francis emphasizes the importance that “governments need to commit to eliminate discriminatory laws everywhere and to work toward guaranteeing women’s human rights.” 🙏 Let us pray together “that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face.” "In many parts of the world, women are treated like the first thing to get rid of. There are countries where women are forbidden to access aid, open a business, or go to school. In these places, they are subject to laws that make them dress a certain way. And in many countries, genital mutilation is still practiced. Let us not deprive women of their voice. Let us not rob all these abused women of their voice. They are exploited, marginalized. In theory, we all agree that men and women have the same dignity as persons. But this does not play out in practice. Governments need to commit to eliminate discriminatory laws everywhere and to work toward guaranteeing women’s human rights. Let us respect women. Let us respect their dignity, their basic rights. And if we don’t, our society will not progress. Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world."
The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network
The Pope Video is an official global initiative with the purpose of disseminating the Holy Father's monthly prayer intentions. It is carried out by the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer). Since 2016, The Pope Video has had more than 203 million views across all the Vatican’s social networks and is translated into more than 23 languages, receiving press coverage in 114 countries.
The videos are produced and created by The Pope Video Prayer Network team, coordinated by Andrea Sarubbi, and distributed by La Machi Communication for Good Causes. The project is sponsored by Vatican Media.
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network is a Vatican foundation, with the mission of mobilizing Catholics through prayer and action in response to the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church. These challenges are presented in the form of prayer intentions entrusted by the Pope to the entire Church.