Catholic Bishops' of Australia Release a New National Code of Conduct

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) has just released a new national code of conduct for people ministering in Catholic dioceses around Australia..
In a press release published on 8 April by the ACBC, the bishops present the 32-page document,  “furthering the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’s ongoing commitment to the safety of children and vulnerable people”.

The Document, entitled “Integrity in Our Common Mission” (link) was approved by the bishops at their plenary meeting in November 2023 and replaces earlier codes such as Integrity in Ministry for clergy and Religious, and Integrity in the Service of the Church for Church lay workers, and forms these into a single presentation, as requested by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse.
Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB President, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, wrote:
Integrity In Our Common Mission
A National Code of Conduct for those exercising pastoral ministry in the diocese of the Catholic Church in Australia
Our life in Christ is both a gift and a responsibility. Through the specific duties and responsibilities of the laity and those ordained as deacon, priest or bishop, all contribute to the building of the Reign of God. This takes expression in many forms: through the sacramental life of the Church, in prayer, through missionary outreach to the poor, sick, disadvantaged and vulnerable, in parish communities, and in so many other ways. We are all called by virtue of our vocation to reflect the presence of Jesus in every aspect of life, thus shaping the world in the image and love of God. Accordingly, the formation and guidance of those engaged in the ministry and service of their brothers and sisters must have as its aim the quality of the personal conduct, behaviour and self-awareness of these servants of the Good News.
In response to the final report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Recommendation 16.49, and in continuance of those initiatives already in place to guide the variety of pastoral ministries in the Church, Integrity in Our Common Mission has been developed as the primary code of conduct for clergy, religious and laity. The principles in Integrity in Our Common Mission have been developed to guide, form, strengthen and affirm those behaviours which are expected of all engaged in the ministries of the Church: in parish and sacramental life, education, health and community services, pastoral care, social welfare support and the variety of other ministries to which people of faith are called.
Building upon this framework, and the earlier documents Integrity in Ministry and Integrity in the Service of the Church, Integrity in Our Common Mission develops its approach to the daily pastoral, administrative and personal interactions which occur across the breadth of ministries. While it is not exhaustive, Integrity in Our Common Mission provides a Integrity in Our Common Mission –
necessary framework which can be applied to the variety of settings, experiences, relationships and pastoral engagements in daily ministry. It is our firm hope this code of conduct will be a living resource that will form a culture of quality and excellence that directs, guides and strengthens our shared mission.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference renews its ongoing commitment to the safety of children and vulnerable people. The Conference expresses its gratitude to the Bishops Commission for Professional Standards and Safeguarding, and its Reference Group, who were entrusted with the preparation of this code of conduct. The Conference now endorses and approves Integrity in our Common Mission and its use in every diocese. May this code of conduct guide all those called to the joyful service of others. May it assist in the formation and induction of clergy and lay leaders in every diocese and across each province, enabling us to reflect, in every aspect of our life, Integrity in Our Common Mission.

a) Our Common Mission (PDF) (

b) Integrity In our Common Mission (PDF)
