This year, the March for Life took place on Sunday, March 10, under the great banner Yes to Life (Si a la Vida) with attendance from all cities in Spain coming to Madrid. The march began at 12:00pm with a stage with testimonies, and reading of the Yes to Platform manifesto. A minute of silence was observed along with the traditional release of balloons in memory of the unborn and all the victims of the culture of death. It culminated with a small concert to celebrate Life Day.
Spain's International Day of Life , is commemorated every March 25; however, the organization points out that, as this day coincides with Holy Week, and in order to facilitate attendance from all cities in Spain, this year the march occurred on March 10 .
The March uses the same color, hope green, and the same motto, Yes to Life; which will be attended by people from all the cities of Spain and other European countries to show their commitment to life. Thus, the Yes to Life Platform calls on civil society to attend from anywhere in Spain and thus show that every life is important, participating in the revolution for the care of people; to celebrate and vindicate the right to life of every human being, from its beginning to its natural end, and the dignity of each life regardless of its capabilities, state of health, stage or circumstances in which it is found.
Alicia Latorre, spokesperson for the Yes to Life Platform and president of the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations, said: “It is an appointment for people of all ages and conditions, to a call for unity and perseverance in the defense of life. It is turning on a light in the midst of so many difficulties, certain that there is less left for each person to be valued and irreplaceable. Our commitment is firm and our hope immovable.”
Amaya Azcona, General Director of the REDMADRE Foundation, stated before the march: “Motherhood support organizations will be present at this March, like every year, to tell women with difficulties faced with an unforeseen pregnancy that we are here to accompany them to overcome the difficulties.” that arise when learning the news of the pregnancy.”
Álvaro Ortega, President of Fundación + Vida, has said about the great Yes to Life March: “It is a day in which young people take to the streets to celebrate this fundamental right of the human being and to show that our generation is made up of people committed to the value of life the day. It is a day when together we show the truth and beauty of each human life.”
The Yes to Life Platform reported 35,000 in attendance. 500 different organizations and groups of people have organized buses from their cities to attend.
Sources: Si a la Vida - and EuropeanConservative.com