Pope Francis and the Leading Catholic Archbishop of Russia Pray for Over 130 People Killed at an Attack of a Concert Hall in Moscow

Russia's Catholic Archbishop Paul Pezzi has condemned an attack that occurred on March 22nd which killed over 130 people. Pope Francis also offered prayers for the victims of Friday’s terrorist attack on a concert hall in the Russian capital of Moscow, and invited everyone to pray for “martyred Ukraine” as the country faces heavy Russian bombardment of critical infrastructure. “I assure my prayers for the victims of the vile terrorist attack carried out the other evening in Moscow.” Pope Francis spoke after praying the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square following Mass on Palm Sunday. “May the Lord welcome them in His peace and comfort their families,” he added.
The Pope also prayed that God might instill peace in the hearts of all people.
On 22 March 2024, at around 20:00 MSK, a terrorist attack occurred at the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, Russia. The attack started just before the Russian band Picnic was to play a sold-out show at the venue. Four gunmen carried out a mass shooting, as well as knife attacks on the people gathered at the venue and set the hall on fire. Investigators said the attack had killed at least 137 people, and more than 182 concertgoers were injured. The Islamic State – Khorasan Province (IS–KP), an Afghanistan regional affiliate of the Islamic State, claimed responsibility in a statement through the IS-affiliated Amaq News Agency after the attack. Amaq also published a video of the attack, filmed by one of the attackers. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the attack a "barbaric terrorist act" and said that the gunmen had been arrested. He also declared 24 March to be a national day of mourning. The Russian police detained 11 suspects and charged 4 of them.
FULL TEXT - Condolences from Archbishop Paul Pezzi in connection with the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ!
Following the brutal terrorist attack in Moscow, which left many people dead and injured, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims and support to everyone who suffered in this terrible tragedy.
Today our hearts are filled with horror and pain, but we will not allow them to make us forget that our lives and the lives of all people are in the hands of God. And Holy Week, which the Catholic Church enters tomorrow, reminds us that death is not the last word, that Christ conquers death. But before this, He shares with us the entire depth of our suffering, “a man of sorrows and acquainted with pain,” He does not free us from suffering, but goes through it with us. God's response to human suffering is a loving presence.
With trust in Him, I ask you to pray for the salvation of all whose lives are still in danger, for peace for the dead, for help and healing for the injured, and for courage and patience for all who are called to help them. Please don't despair and be that loving presence of Christ where you are, be a witness of hope in these dark times.
I also ask you to exercise due care and discretion for your personal and public safety.
Yours in Christ,
+ Pavel Pezzi
Chairman of the Conference
of Catholic Bishops of RussiaImage source: Volgoduma.ru, CC BY 3.0 , via WM Commons -
Catholic Bishops of Russia: https://catholic-russia.ru/2024/soboleznovaniya-arhiepiskopa-pavla-peczczi-v-svyazi-s-teraktom-v-krokus-siti-holle/
FULL TEXT - Condolences from Archbishop Paul Pezzi in connection with the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ!
Following the brutal terrorist attack in Moscow, which left many people dead and injured, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims and support to everyone who suffered in this terrible tragedy.
Today our hearts are filled with horror and pain, but we will not allow them to make us forget that our lives and the lives of all people are in the hands of God. And Holy Week, which the Catholic Church enters tomorrow, reminds us that death is not the last word, that Christ conquers death. But before this, He shares with us the entire depth of our suffering, “a man of sorrows and acquainted with pain,” He does not free us from suffering, but goes through it with us. God's response to human suffering is a loving presence.
With trust in Him, I ask you to pray for the salvation of all whose lives are still in danger, for peace for the dead, for help and healing for the injured, and for courage and patience for all who are called to help them. Please don't despair and be that loving presence of Christ where you are, be a witness of hope in these dark times.
I also ask you to exercise due care and discretion for your personal and public safety.
Yours in Christ,
+ Pavel Pezzi
Chairman of the Conference
of Catholic Bishops of RussiaImage source: Volgoduma.ru, CC BY 3.0 , via WM Commons -
Catholic Bishops of Russia: https://catholic-russia.ru/2024/soboleznovaniya-arhiepiskopa-pavla-peczczi-v-svyazi-s-teraktom-v-krokus-siti-holle/