LISTEN to a Heavenly "Locus Iste" by Anton Bruckner Sung by VOCES 8 in Les Dominicans de Haute-Alsace

VOCES8 performs Anton Bruckner's motet 'Locus Iste' at Les Dominicains de Haute-Alsace in Guebwiller, France.  Josef Anton Bruckner was an Austrian composer and organist best known for his symphonies and sacred music, which includes Masses, Te Deum and motets. He was born on September 4, 1824, Ansfelden, Austria and died on October 11, 1896 (age 72 years).
Lyrics in Latin : Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile sacramentum irreprehensibilis est. 
Translation to English : This place is made by God, inestimably sacred, irreprehensible.
