Catholic Bishops of Haiti's Appeal for Peace “Each violent death committed against a human being is a wound in the flesh of humanity"

Press note from the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Haiti [March 18, 2024]
He will not break a reed that weakens, nor quench a wick that weakens.
He will proclaim right in truth. (Isaiah 42, 3)
Dear brothers and sisters,
1.We, the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Haiti, greet you with the words of Hope of the prophet Isaiah which inhabit our heart as Pastors of the People of God for our dear Haiti: “We will no longer hear of violence in your country, of ravages and ruins within your borders. You will call your walls “Salvation”, and your gates “Praise”” (Isaiah 60:18).
2.This dream of a country without violence makes us raise our voices to ask for an end to the acts which aim to reduce Haiti to ruins and ashes. Faced with the delirious atrocity to which our country is prey – homicides, score-settling, witch hunts, scenes of looting and other acts of violence – we express our deep concern and our pain in the wake of Pope Francis who is very close to the Haitian people.
3. During the Angelus prayer on Sunday March 10, 2024 in Saint Peter's Square in Rome, the Holy Father invited people to “pray, through the intercession of the Virgin of Perpetual Help, that all forms of violence cease and for all to offer their contribution to growing peace and reconciliation in the country, with the renewed support of the international community. »
4.The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Haiti is in line and perspective of this new call for an end to violence in Haiti, for peace and reconciliation recently launched by Pope Francis. We encourage the efforts of all sectors and all the active forces of the Nation with a view to finding an outcome to the current crisis and restoring peace and security for all the sons and daughters of the Haitian Nation, by providing the country of an inclusive transitional form of government.
5.To be able to maintain the moral distance that allows it to fulfill its prophetic mission, the CEH has not mandated anyone to represent the Catholic Church within the Presidential Council or any government structure. We nevertheless hope that the current talks will result in a true inclusive and lasting patriotic agreement in the interest of all the Haitian people, who so aspire to peace and well-being.
6. While awaiting the establishment of the institutional bodies which must bring the transition to a successful conclusion, we invite all Haitians without distinction not to fuel violence, because violence breeds violence, hatred breeds more hatred and death more deaths.” Each destruction causes Haiti to regress or delay in its march towards the progress that we all desire. “Each violent death committed against a human being is a wound in the flesh of humanity; every violent death diminishes us as people. » (Pope Francis). Let us therefore put an end to these violent acts which cause much suffering.
7.May the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom we invoke in Haiti under the name of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, come to our aid and may, through her intercession, God raise us up and deliver us from evil!
Given in Port-au-Prince, March 18, 2024.
Followed by the signatures of the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Haiti,
He will not break a reed that weakens, nor quench a wick that weakens.
He will proclaim right in truth. (Isaiah 42, 3)
Dear brothers and sisters,
1.We, the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Haiti, greet you with the words of Hope of the prophet Isaiah which inhabit our heart as Pastors of the People of God for our dear Haiti: “We will no longer hear of violence in your country, of ravages and ruins within your borders. You will call your walls “Salvation”, and your gates “Praise”” (Isaiah 60:18).
2.This dream of a country without violence makes us raise our voices to ask for an end to the acts which aim to reduce Haiti to ruins and ashes. Faced with the delirious atrocity to which our country is prey – homicides, score-settling, witch hunts, scenes of looting and other acts of violence – we express our deep concern and our pain in the wake of Pope Francis who is very close to the Haitian people.
3. During the Angelus prayer on Sunday March 10, 2024 in Saint Peter's Square in Rome, the Holy Father invited people to “pray, through the intercession of the Virgin of Perpetual Help, that all forms of violence cease and for all to offer their contribution to growing peace and reconciliation in the country, with the renewed support of the international community. »
4.The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Haiti is in line and perspective of this new call for an end to violence in Haiti, for peace and reconciliation recently launched by Pope Francis. We encourage the efforts of all sectors and all the active forces of the Nation with a view to finding an outcome to the current crisis and restoring peace and security for all the sons and daughters of the Haitian Nation, by providing the country of an inclusive transitional form of government.
5.To be able to maintain the moral distance that allows it to fulfill its prophetic mission, the CEH has not mandated anyone to represent the Catholic Church within the Presidential Council or any government structure. We nevertheless hope that the current talks will result in a true inclusive and lasting patriotic agreement in the interest of all the Haitian people, who so aspire to peace and well-being.
6. While awaiting the establishment of the institutional bodies which must bring the transition to a successful conclusion, we invite all Haitians without distinction not to fuel violence, because violence breeds violence, hatred breeds more hatred and death more deaths.” Each destruction causes Haiti to regress or delay in its march towards the progress that we all desire. “Each violent death committed against a human being is a wound in the flesh of humanity; every violent death diminishes us as people. » (Pope Francis). Let us therefore put an end to these violent acts which cause much suffering.
7.May the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom we invoke in Haiti under the name of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, come to our aid and may, through her intercession, God raise us up and deliver us from evil!
Given in Port-au-Prince, March 18, 2024.
Followed by the signatures of the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Haiti,
Video not from the release of the bishops but related to the situation