#BreakingNews 3 Kidnapped Nuns and 4 Brothers Released but 2 Still in Captivity and Danger Remains in Haiti
The three nuns of the Saint Joseph of Cluny congregation kidnapped on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, from the La Madeleine orphanage, in Haiti, have been released. According to the Conference of Haitian Religious, a group of armed bandits had taken the nuns from Croix-des-Bouquets. Also, the local press reports that four of the six religious of the Congregation of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart were released yesterday, March 10th. The six religious were kidnapped on February 23rd while they were on their way to the mission of the Jean XXIII school in Port-au-Prince, in the Bicentenaire neighborhood.
On February 18, Pierre André Dumas, bishop of Anse-à-Veau Miragoâne, was seriously injured in an explosion in Port au Prince. The prelate, who is also vice president of the Haitian Episcopal Conference (CEH) was taken to hospital in Florida where he is recovering. In January, the bishop had offered himself as a hostage in exchange for another six nuns of the Saint Anne congregation, kidnapped in Port-au-Prince, for whom Pope Francis also launched his appeal for release. Danger still remains in the country as thousands of inmates escaped and violent gangs are taking over the country.
At the Angelus yesterday, March 10, Pope Francis, from St. Peter's Square, addressed his call to prayer for the Haitian people. "I follow with concern and sorrow the grave crisis afflicting Haiti, and the violent episodes which occurred in recent days. I am close to the Church and to the dear Haitian population, which has been plagued by many sufferings for years. I invite you to pray, by the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, that every sort of violence may cease, and that everyone may offer their contribution to the growth of peace and reconciliation in the country, with the renewed support of the international community". (Edited from Agenzia Fides, 11/3/2024)