New Gallup Poll Reveals 77% of US Catholics View Pope Francis Favorably but his Overall Rating from Americans is Lower with a Surprising Comparison to Pope Benedict XVI

A new Gallup Poll reveals that 58% of Americans, 77% of U.S. Catholics view Pope Francis favorably.
However, the pope's 30% unfavorable rating among Americans is highest to date.
U.S. Catholics’ 17% unfavorable opinion is highest recorded for the group. He holds a 42% favorability among conservative adults, 70% among liberals, and 66% among moderates. U.S. Catholics hold the pontiff in even higher esteem -- but his 77% favorable rating among them is also below average for that group, and his 17% unfavorable rating among Catholics is a new high.
Pope Francis remains more popular than Pope Benedict XVI, who was viewed favorably by 40% of Americans and unfavorably by 35% in Gallup’s last reading of him in 2010.
The latest reading of Francis, from a December 1-20 poll, marks the eighth time Gallup has measured Americans’ views of him since he was chosen to succeed Pope Benedict XVI in 2013.
Toward the beginning of his papacy, in April 2013, 58% of Americans overall and 80% of U.S. Catholics viewed Francis favorably. His popularity grew to his highest ratings the next year as he became better known, rising to 76% among U.S. adults and 89% among U.S. Catholics. Catholics’ lowest rating of Francis, a still robust 71%, came in July 2015. Three months later, after a visit to the U.S., it rebounded to 87%.
His lowest rating among the American public, 53%, was recorded in September 2018 after an investigation by the Pennsylvania state attorney general revealed widespread allegations of sexual abuse by priests in that state. U.S. Catholics’ favorable rating of the pope was not shaken in 2018 and has remained near 80% since then.
Liberal Americans have applauded the Holy See under Pope Francis for its positions on the environment, unchecked capitalism, and helping the poor.
Conservatives generally agree with the pope’s stance against abortion. Self-described liberal (70%) and moderate (66%) Americans view the pontiff favorably, and 42% of conservatives do.
Benedict’s papacy lasted less than eight years and was marred by accusations that he mishandled the child sex abuse scandal. Conservatives’ 46% favorable rating of Benedict in 2010 is only slightly higher than Francis’ today. Although Benedict received higher ratings before 2010, his ratings were never as positive as Francis’ highest.
In contrast, Pope John Paul II, who preceded Benedict and served for almost 27 years, was consistently viewed favorably by more than 60% of Americans in the 1990s and 2000s. His highest rating was 86% in 1998.
Bottom Line
The latest reading of Francis, from a December 1-20 poll, marks the eighth time Gallup has measured Americans’ views of him since he was chosen to succeed Pope Benedict XVI in 2013.
Toward the beginning of his papacy, in April 2013, 58% of Americans overall and 80% of U.S. Catholics viewed Francis favorably. His popularity grew to his highest ratings the next year as he became better known, rising to 76% among U.S. adults and 89% among U.S. Catholics. Catholics’ lowest rating of Francis, a still robust 71%, came in July 2015. Three months later, after a visit to the U.S., it rebounded to 87%.
His lowest rating among the American public, 53%, was recorded in September 2018 after an investigation by the Pennsylvania state attorney general revealed widespread allegations of sexual abuse by priests in that state. U.S. Catholics’ favorable rating of the pope was not shaken in 2018 and has remained near 80% since then.
Liberal Americans have applauded the Holy See under Pope Francis for its positions on the environment, unchecked capitalism, and helping the poor.
Conservatives generally agree with the pope’s stance against abortion. Self-described liberal (70%) and moderate (66%) Americans view the pontiff favorably, and 42% of conservatives do.
Benedict’s papacy lasted less than eight years and was marred by accusations that he mishandled the child sex abuse scandal. Conservatives’ 46% favorable rating of Benedict in 2010 is only slightly higher than Francis’ today. Although Benedict received higher ratings before 2010, his ratings were never as positive as Francis’ highest.
In contrast, Pope John Paul II, who preceded Benedict and served for almost 27 years, was consistently viewed favorably by more than 60% of Americans in the 1990s and 2000s. His highest rating was 86% in 1998.
Bottom Line
Nearly 11 years into his papacy, Pope Francis is enjoying solid favorable ratings from Americans, including those who are Catholic.