National March for Life Washington DC Full Schedule "We celebrate life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, and every moment in between."
The March for Life is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy-filled rally of women, men, young people, and children from all across the country. Every year, tens of thousands of pro-lifers converge on the National Mall and march on Capitol Hill on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which legalized abortion in all 50 states. It’s the largest annual human rights demonstration in the world. But this is not just a protest… TOGETHER, WE GATHER TO CELEBRATE LIFE. We celebrate each and every life, from the moment of conception. We envision a world where every life is celebrated, valued, and protected. The right to life is a human right. Our defense of that right is a joyful witness to the beauty and dignity of every human person.
WATCH the 2024 March for Life Via LIVE STREAM Here:
We celebrate life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, and every moment in between. We envision a world where these moments are celebrated, valued, and protected by everybody—both in the private sector and in the public sphere.
Even with the wonderful blessing of Roe v. Wade being overturned, which allows more freedom at the state level to enact pro-life laws, the necessary work to build a culture of life in the United States of America is not finished. Rather, it is focused differently. Sadly, the number of abortions annually is still well over 900,000 each year, and that number is expected to decrease only by roughly 200,000 each year in a post-Roe America. Many national legislative battles loom, including even keeping longstanding Hyde protections, which limit government funding for abortion on annual appropriation bills. The Hyde Amendment has saved over 2 million lives and is arguably the most impactful pro-life policy in our nation’s history, but now cannot be taken for granted. Last, our most important work is changing hearts and minds. The goal of the national March for Life is to not only change laws at the state and federal level, but to change the culture to ultimately make abortion unthinkable.
We celebrate life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, and every moment in between. We envision a world where these moments are celebrated, valued, and protected by everybody—both in the private sector and in the public sphere.
Even with the wonderful blessing of Roe v. Wade being overturned, which allows more freedom at the state level to enact pro-life laws, the necessary work to build a culture of life in the United States of America is not finished. Rather, it is focused differently. Sadly, the number of abortions annually is still well over 900,000 each year, and that number is expected to decrease only by roughly 200,000 each year in a post-Roe America. Many national legislative battles loom, including even keeping longstanding Hyde protections, which limit government funding for abortion on annual appropriation bills. The Hyde Amendment has saved over 2 million lives and is arguably the most impactful pro-life policy in our nation’s history, but now cannot be taken for granted. Last, our most important work is changing hearts and minds. The goal of the national March for Life is to not only change laws at the state and federal level, but to change the culture to ultimately make abortion unthinkable.
With the role of the states being more important, we are also growing a strong state march for life initiative quickly, however, we will continue to march every January at the national level until a culture of life is restored in the United States of America.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
March for Life Expo: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Marching 101: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Friday, January 19, 2024
March for Life Expo: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Pre-Rally Concert: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
March for Life Rally: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
March for Life: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Rose Dinner Gala: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 18
Marching 101: Pro-Life Advocacy Workshop
Marching 101 is a FREE advocacy workshop, giving participants the opportunity to learn how to make their voices heard by their elected representatives. Hear from a panel of top pro-life lobbyists and policy experts on how to effectively navigate the legislative system, from Capitol Hill to your state capitol.
Register Today
Friday, January 19
March for Life Rally
Join us in Washington, DC for the March for Life Rally. This FREE event features a live concert and inspiring speeches from pro-life leaders – sharing how to stay involved in the pro-life movement all year long. The Rally will begin at 12 pm ET on the National Mall. You can also watch the live-streamed event on our website, Facebook, and YouTube channel.
March for Life
This is the main event! The March for Life will begin immediately following the Rally – usually around 1 p.m. – starting between 12th and 14th Streets. We will march peacefully up Constitution Ave. to the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building.
After marching, consider attending the Silent No More testimonies outside the Supreme Court, visiting your Representative to advocate for life, or proceeding past The Capitol to help the flow of oncoming marchers.
See Why People March
Rose Dinner Gala
An evening of inspiration and fellowship, the Rose Dinner is the perfect way to conclude your March for Life experience in our Nation’s Capital.
Learn More about the Rose Dinner
In order to mark not only our victory in Dobbs but also our need to maintain a presence in Washington, this year’s March for Life will have a slightly different marching route than in years past. This year we will also march past the Capitol and finish between the Capitol and Supreme Court. We will give witness to the inherent dignity of the human person to pro-life and pro-abortion legislators alike, helping them understand that we will not cease advocating for women and children until every life is protected.
The most convenient way to get to D.C. is by flying here. There are two airports serving the D.C area, both are Metro accessible:Washington Dulles Airport—in Dulles, VA: an easy 25-mile drive from downtown D.C.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport—in Crystal City, VA: just 5 miles from downtown D.C.
Charter buses are also a great way to get to D.C. However, they present certain parking problems and do require permits. Charter buses can be parked at the following locations: Union Station or the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Obtain your bus permits
Interested in organizing a bus trip?
Special Event Management handles VIP transportation for the March for Life and has arranged hundreds of bus trips for groups coming to the March from all over the US.
To receive a customized quote, please reach out to Chuck Genrich at:
Phone: 703-865-8765
Toll-Free: 866-667-9261
Whether you want to do some sight-seeing or come straight to the March, the easiest way to get around D.C. is through our extensive Metro system. Gathering with your fellow pro-life marchers in D.C. is easy. On the day of the March itself, simply take the metro to one of the three stops within an easy walking distance from the rallying location: Federal Triangle, Smithsonian, Metro Center.
Order, register, and add value to your metro card
On October 6, 2023, our host hotel, the Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel will officially be rebranded and renamed the Westin DC Downtown Hotel.
The Westin DC Downtown Hotel (previously named Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel) is located across from the Washington Convention Center, between Capitol Hill and the White House. The hotel is 25 miles from Washington Dulles Airport and 5 miles from Ronald Reagan Washington National.
WESTIN DC DOWNTOWN HOTEL (Formerly Renaissance Hotel)
999 9th St NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
MFL Reservations:
Individual Reservations: BOOK HERE!
Metro location: Gallery Place/Chinatown
The March for Life has guaranteed the bulk of our rooms for three nights, Wednesday, January 17, Thursday, January 18, and Friday, January 19, 2024. We also have some rooms blocked before and after these dates for those wishing to extend their time in Washington, D.C.
The March for Life group rate is based upon the current applicable federal government per diem rate plus tax per night. The rate applies to all rooms including triple and quad occupancy.
Rate: 193.00
Tax: 30.78
Total: 223.78
The March for Life has contracted several small meeting rooms that may be used by outside groups on a complimentary basis. Meeting rooms will be approved for use on a first come first served basis, with preference given to school and church groups. For consideration, please complete the meeting room request form and send to
In order to mark not only our victory in Dobbs but also our need to maintain a presence in Washington, this year’s March for Life will have a slightly different marching route than in years past. This year we will also march past the Capitol and finish between the Capitol and Supreme Court. We will give witness to the inherent dignity of the human person to pro-life and pro-abortion legislators alike, helping them understand that we will not cease advocating for women and children until every life is protected.
The most convenient way to get to D.C. is by flying here. There are two airports serving the D.C area, both are Metro accessible:Washington Dulles Airport—in Dulles, VA: an easy 25-mile drive from downtown D.C.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport—in Crystal City, VA: just 5 miles from downtown D.C.
Charter buses are also a great way to get to D.C. However, they present certain parking problems and do require permits. Charter buses can be parked at the following locations: Union Station or the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Obtain your bus permits
Interested in organizing a bus trip?
Special Event Management handles VIP transportation for the March for Life and has arranged hundreds of bus trips for groups coming to the March from all over the US.
To receive a customized quote, please reach out to Chuck Genrich at:
Phone: 703-865-8765
Toll-Free: 866-667-9261
Whether you want to do some sight-seeing or come straight to the March, the easiest way to get around D.C. is through our extensive Metro system. Gathering with your fellow pro-life marchers in D.C. is easy. On the day of the March itself, simply take the metro to one of the three stops within an easy walking distance from the rallying location: Federal Triangle, Smithsonian, Metro Center.
Order, register, and add value to your metro card
On October 6, 2023, our host hotel, the Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel will officially be rebranded and renamed the Westin DC Downtown Hotel.
The Westin DC Downtown Hotel (previously named Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel) is located across from the Washington Convention Center, between Capitol Hill and the White House. The hotel is 25 miles from Washington Dulles Airport and 5 miles from Ronald Reagan Washington National.
WESTIN DC DOWNTOWN HOTEL (Formerly Renaissance Hotel)
999 9th St NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
MFL Reservations:
Individual Reservations: BOOK HERE!
Metro location: Gallery Place/Chinatown
The March for Life has guaranteed the bulk of our rooms for three nights, Wednesday, January 17, Thursday, January 18, and Friday, January 19, 2024. We also have some rooms blocked before and after these dates for those wishing to extend their time in Washington, D.C.
The March for Life group rate is based upon the current applicable federal government per diem rate plus tax per night. The rate applies to all rooms including triple and quad occupancy.
Rate: 193.00
Tax: 30.78
Total: 223.78
The March for Life has contracted several small meeting rooms that may be used by outside groups on a complimentary basis. Meeting rooms will be approved for use on a first come first served basis, with preference given to school and church groups. For consideration, please complete the meeting room request form and send to
Source: MARCH FOR LIFE . ORG - Website Release