#BreakingNews Tens of Thousands Attend the March for Life in Washington DC Despite Snow and Cold - WATCH the Video Replay!
Ten of thousands of people attended the 51st March for Life 2024 in Washington, DC, with the theme: Pro-Life: With Every Woman, For Every Child. Despite the cold gloomy weather and snow which fell heavily on the marchers; thousands enthusiastically took part for life.
WATCH the U.S. national pro-life March for Life from January 19th, 2024 - BELOW.
Their first round of speakers for the 2024 March for Life were: Jeanne Mancini, Benjamin Watson, Speaker Mike Johnson, Aisha Taylor, and Coach Jim Harbaugh.
Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life Education and Defense Fund, and others highlighted during the March for Life Rally that the national march was going to continue, and pro-life marches would also be multiplying throughout all 50 states in the coming years.The 2024 March for Life | The pro-life movement is here to walk With Every Woman, For Every Child! pic.twitter.com/uHvZPJzMwj
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) January 19, 2024
“We will keep marching every year at the national level, as well as in our states, until our nation’s laws reflect the basic truth that all human life is created equal and is worthy of protection,” Mancini said to the thousands gathered on the National Mall in Washington, DC.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., addressed the crowd and testified that he was once an unplanned pregnancy for his parents, just teenagers at the time, who chose life.As an obstetric anesthesiologist who cared for thousands of women giving birth, I saw firsthand the difficulties and challenges many women have bringing new life into the world.
— Rep. Andy Harris, MD (@RepAndyHarrisMD) January 19, 2024
This gave me a unique appreciation for LIFE and motherhood.
Proud to be #ProLife #MarchForLife pic.twitter.com/neXq5QY3Ak
Johnson said the U.S. House of Representatives passed two important pieces of legislation right before the march: the Pregnant Students’ Rights Act for colleges and universities to follow and another bill that prohibits the Health and Human Services Department from excluding pregnancy resource centers from obtaining federal funds.
Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., a Catholic lawmaker and co-chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus, explained to the crowd that they should remain “undeterred.”
“We will never quit in our defense of the weakest and most vulnerable,” he said.
Aisha Taylor, author of “Navigating the Impossible: A Survival Guide for Single Moms,” on stage reminded the crowd, “It was people like you who helped people like me to choose life for my unborn twins.” “I am eternally grateful for that pregnancy center,” she said, adding that her presence among them was part of her pledge to “pay it forward” for all the support she had received to choose life.
Benjamin Watson, a former NFL player, said pro-life advocates must start on “a new fight for life” that also deals with the factors behind abortion, and he connected those efforts to the wider struggle for peace and justice in society.Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh marching for life in Washington, DC after winning the college football national championship. pic.twitter.com/7PjGylwVTf
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) January 19, 2024
“Roe is done, but we still live in a culture that knows not how to care for life,” Watson said.
Thousands of Catholics participating in the march came from prayer vigils and Masses held that day or the evening before.
At the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia, preached to a crowd of 7,000 gathered for a vigil Mass that was followed by a National Eucharistic Holy Hour for Life.
At the morning Mass in the basilica Jan. 19, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes of Columbus, Ohio, encouraged Catholics not to get discouraged by setbacks in the pro-life movement but to recall how Jesus Christ “fell three times under the weight of his cross but he got back up.”
“Even after defeats we get back up and we march for life in radical solidarity with women and children,” he said.
With the wonderful blessing of Roe v. Wade being overturned, a goal we have marched for since 1974, some say there is no longer a need for the pro-life movement to gather for the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. The work to build a culture of life in the United States of America is far from finished, but they say we can now solely focus our work on advancing our cause in the states. Sources: OSV News - Life News and Marchforlife.org