#BreakingNews Actor Shia LaBoeuf is Fully Received into the Catholic Church after Receiving Confirmation from Bishop Robert Barron
Shia LaBeouf has been fully received into the Catholic Church as he received the sacrament of Confimation by Bishop Robert Barron, head of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota. The Franciscans in California released some photos of the event (See Bottom) LaBeouf is an American actor, who not long ago, made a movie about St. Padre Pio. Most notably he played Louis Stevens in the Disney Channel series Even Stevens, a role for which he received 2 awards and the main character 3"Transformers" films. LaBeouf was born on June 11th, 1986 in California. Shia's mother is Jewish and in Hebrew, his first name translates to 'gift of God'. He is married to actress Mia Goth and the two have a one year old child (March 2022).
Actor Shia LaBeouf said he converted to Catholicism, in an interview with Bishop Robert Barron, while making the film 'Padre Pio'. LaBeouf was involved in some controversies in the last few years.
He related how living in a monastery among religious, to make the film, impacted his life.
'I know now that God was using my ego to draw me to Him. Drawing me away from worldly desires. It was all happening simultaneously. But there would have been no impetus for me to get in my car, drive up (to the monastery) if I didn't think, 'Oh, I'm gonna save my career.'
LaBeouf also noted, in his interview with Barron, that the Catholic Mass had a profound influence on his conversion and his performance playing St. Padre Pio.
We are thrilled to share that our dear friend Shia LaBeouf has fully entered the Church this past weekend through the sacrament of confirmation!

Shia LaBeouf, known for his incredible talent and passion in the entertainment industry, has embarked on a profound spiritual journey that has led him to embrace the teachings of the Catholic Church. His decision to fully enter the Church is a testament to his sincere desire to grow in his relationship with God and live out the Gospel values.
As Capuchin Franciscans, we believe in the transformative power of faith and the incredible impact it can have on one’s life. We are humbled and grateful to walk alongside Shia as he takes this important step in his spiritual journey.
We invite you to join us in celebrating this momentous occasion and to keep Shia LaBeouf in your prayers as he continues to deepen his faith and seek God’s guidance in his life. May his example inspire others to explore their own spiritual paths and find solace in the loving embrace of the Church.