The monastery of a Colombian congregation in Medellín named Teresitas Contemplativas del Santísimo (Contemplative Teresite Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament), is shown above. One of the congregation's nuns was found brutally attacked and sexually assaulted late January 22, 2024. (News photo/courtesy Facebook page of Teresitas Contemplativas del Santísimo congregation) According to several local media, a nun belonging to the Contemplative Teresite Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament - a cloistered community founded by Don Miguel Ángel Builes - was found by her religious sisters totally disoriented. The nun, age 31, whose name has been withheld, did not return to the refectory for dinner, and her community members went to look for her in Medellín, among the largest of the Colombian cities. They found the sister in the woods near a ravine, she had been stripped of her habit, had her neck and hands tied with a chain, and showed several signs of sexual assault, and with signs of torture. The ravine runs through the Monastery of Santa Teresita (Medellín).
According to the commander of the Metropolitan Police, two debit cards with which the community made their purchases were stolen from the sister.
The nun remains in critical condition in the intensive care unit of a Medellín hospital.
Source: periodicolaesperanza