
Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday, December 11, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint December 11 : St. Eulalia of Mérida a Virgin and Martyr of Spain - Legend says a Dove Flew out of her Mouth as she Died!

WATCH a Free Christian Movie : Mary of #Nazareth - Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Watch Full Film

PRAY the Beautiful Ancient Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Litany of Our Lady of Loreto with Indulgence

Notre Dame Cathedral is Set to Open in 2024 - France's President Emmanuel Macron Visits the Construction Site - VIDEO

LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn "Queen of Loreto" Honoring Our Lady of Loreto - Remembering the House where Mary became Mother of God! - with Lyrics

Saint December 10 : St. Pope Gregory III who was Elected by Acclamation and Died in 741

Pope Francis says " we continue to pray for the...suffering because of war...Are we able, with God’s help, to take concrete steps of peace? Let us not forget battered Ukraine, Palestine, Israel."