
Saint October 26 : St. Evaristus a Pope from Palestine who Died 107

Synod Briefing - US Archbishop Timothy Broglio says the Synod “might provide an example for the world to see and perhaps to imitate in resolving world conflict.” FULL Video

RIP Brother Godwin Eze - 2 Kidnapped Benedictine Monks Released but 1 Monk is Killed by Abductors

Vatican Synod Members Pray the Rosary for Peace at Candlelight Vigil in Saint Peter's Basilica - FULL Video

Pope Francis at the Synod explains "The faithful people, the holy faithful people of God, have a soul, and because we can speak of the soul of a people we can speak of a hermeneutic, of a way of seeing reality." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "I think always of the grave situation in Palestine and Israel: I encourage the release of the hostages and the entry of humanitarian aid in Gaza. I continue to pray..." FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Wednesday, October 25, 2023 - Eucharist Your Virtual Catholic Church

Our Lady, Queen of Palestine, Patroness of he Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre with Prayer for Peace - Feast October 25

Saint October 25 : St. Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão (1739-1822) a Franciscan Friar and Founder from Brazil

Saint October 25 : St. Gaudentius of Brescia, Italy : a Bishop who said "Let the word of God, and the sign of Jesus Christ (the cross) be in your hearts, in your mouths, on your countenance..."

Saint October 25 : St. Boniface I : Pope