
Saint October 11 : Saint John XXIII the Pope who Started Vatican Council II and Patron Saint of Christian Unity

Pope Francis Calls a Priest from Gaza Twice in Concern for the Safety of the Christians Living along the Strip

Cardinal Tobin and Columbian Religious Sister Echeverri Address Issues of Sexual Orientation and the Latin Mass in the Church at the Synod Briefing - FULL Video

Catholic Bishops of the European Union Make an Appeal "let us pray that there be peace in Israel and in Palestine.”

LISTEN to an Inspiring Football Team Sing the Ave Maria in Latin after a Game!

#BreakingNews Over 2,400 Killed after Earthquake Strikes Afghanistan - the United Nations Sends Aid

Synod's 3 Priority Issues Communion, Mission, Participation are Discussed this Week at the Vatican

Vatican Synod's Greek-Byzantine Divine Liturgy at St. Peter's - Cardinal Raï says Jesus “has chosen each one of us to heal these wounds and strive for a better peace and tranquility.”

US Catholic Bishops Announce Launch of National Catholic Mental Health Campaign and Novena

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - Eucharist Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint October 10 : St. Francis Borgia, a Jesuit, Great-Grandson of Pope Alexander VI and Patron Saint of Earthquakes and Portugal