LISTEN to an Ancient Chant that will Touch your Soul "Vox clara ecce Intonat" for #Advent Sung by Heavenly Abbey Choir

Vox clara ecce intonat is a Latin hymn used traditionally in the Liturgy of the Hours at Lauds during Advent. Originated in the 6th century or earlier possibly by St Ambrose,
It speaks of the preaching of John the Baptist, announcing the coming of Christ in Luke's Gospel.
Latin Lyrics
Vox clara ecce intonat
1 VOX clara ecce intonat, obscura quaeque increpat: procul fugentur somnia; ab aethere Christus promicat.
Latin Lyrics
Vox clara ecce intonat
1 VOX clara ecce intonat, obscura quaeque increpat: procul fugentur somnia; ab aethere Christus promicat.
3 E sursum Agnus mittitur laxare gratis debitum; omnes pro indulgentia vocem demus cum lacrimis, 4 Secundo ut cum fulserit mundumque horror cinxerit, non pro reatu puniat, sed nos pius tunc protegat.
5 Summo Parenti gloria Natoque sit victoria, et Flamini laus debita per saeculorum saecula. Amen.
English Translation
1 Hark! a herald voice is calling: 'Christ is nigh,' it seems to say; 'Cast away the dreams of darkness, O ye children of the day!' 2 Startled at the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise; Christ, her Sun, all sloth dispelling, Shines upon the morning skies. 3 Lo! the Lamb, so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heaven; Let us haste, with tears of sorrow, One and all to be forgiven; 4 So when next he comes with glory, Wrapping all the earth in fear, May he then as our defender Of the clouds of heaven appear. 5 Honour, glory, virtue, merit, To the Father and the Son, With the co-eternal Spirit, While unending ages run.[11]
1 Hark! a herald voice is calling: 'Christ is nigh,' it seems to say; 'Cast away the dreams of darkness, O ye children of the day!' 2 Startled at the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise; Christ, her Sun, all sloth dispelling, Shines upon the morning skies. 3 Lo! the Lamb, so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heaven; Let us haste, with tears of sorrow, One and all to be forgiven; 4 So when next he comes with glory, Wrapping all the earth in fear, May he then as our defender Of the clouds of heaven appear. 5 Honour, glory, virtue, merit, To the Father and the Son, With the co-eternal Spirit, While unending ages run.[11]