Environmental Activists Interrupt Holy Mass at Turin Cathedral Just before the Archbishop was to Give the Homily

There was an invasion at Turin Cathedral by environmentalists from Extinction Rebellion who interrupted the Mass that Archbishop Roberto Repole was celebrating to read passages from the Encyclical Laudato si' and the apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum by Pope Francis “to bring the attention of the faithful - the movement explains - to the Pontiff's words on the climate crisis”. In the moments preceding the homily, the activists stood up one at a time and read aloud the two writings and the message that Francis sent to COP28 in Dubai, in which he invites governments to stop financing wars and environmental devastation and make agreements that are “efficient, binding and easily monitored”. "I make an urgent invitation to renew the dialogue on the way in which we are building the future of the planet. We need a discussion that unites us all, because the environmental challenge we are experiencing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all" These are the words of Laudate Si' read by one of the activists.
Statement by Msgr. Repole on the interruption of Mass in the Cathedral on Sunday 3 December 2023 by a group of climate activists
Declaration by the Archbishop of Turin Msgr. Roberto Repole on the interruption of the Cathedral Mass, Sunday 3 December 2023, by a group of Extinction Rebellion activists:«I have great respect for those who mobilize for the defense of Creation and welcome the appeals of Pope Francis, I appreciate the commitment in this sense of the Extinction Rebellion activists, but I was sorry that they decided to speak in the Cathedral without first asking me to. speak and ask if they could intervene. I would have replied that at Mass we often pray for peace and for the protection of Creation, but the Eucharistic celebration is not a suitable moment to host public interventions: I initially let the activists speak; then I asked them to end because the Mass is a moment of prayer and as such must be respected, also and above all by those who declare that they want to operate with respect for everyone."
https://torino.repubblica.it/ and https://esglesia-barcelona.translate.goog/es/actualitat/el-cardenal-omella-constituye-la-asociacion-canonica-pro-canonizacion-de-antoni-gaudi/
Image Source: Eccekevin, CC BY-SA 4.0