Wow LISTEN to a Beautiful Polyphony to Touch Your Soul "Jesu, Rex Admirabilis" Sung by an Amazing Choir to SHARE

The composer Palestrina wrote a stunning polyphonic setting to this hymn from the Breviary which is generally attributed to St. Bernard in the 12th century. It is sung in Latin , by this professional choir, with the English translation below:
LYRICS - Jesu, Rex admirabiliset triumphator nobilis,
dulcedo ineffabilis,
totus desiderabilis.
Mane nobiscum Domine
Et nos illustra lumine
Pulsa mentis caligine
Mundum reple dulcedine.
2. "When Thou dost visit our heart, then truth illuminates it; the vanity of the world becomes contemptible, and charity glows within."
3. "O Jesus, sweetness of hearts, living fountain, light of intellects, Thou dost surpass all joys and all desires."
4. "Let all confess Jesus, let all earnestly ask for His love; let all zealously seek Jesus, and in seeking Him become enkindled."
5. "Thee, O Jesus, may our voices praise; may the whole course of our lives (mores) give testimony of Thee; may our hearts love Thee now and forever."
Et nos illustra lumine
Pulsa mentis caligine
Mundum reple dulcedine.
Quando cor nostrum visitas,
tunc lucet ei veritas,
mundi vilescit vanitas,
et intus fervet caritas.
tunc lucet ei veritas,
mundi vilescit vanitas,
et intus fervet caritas.
Jesu, dulcedo cordium,
fons vivus, lumen mentium,
excedens omne gaudium
et omne desiderium.
fons vivus, lumen mentium,
excedens omne gaudium
et omne desiderium.
Jesum omnes agnoscite,
amorem eius poscite;
Jesum ardenter quaerite,
quaerendo inardescite.
amorem eius poscite;
Jesum ardenter quaerite,
quaerendo inardescite.
Te nostra, Jesu, vox sonet,
nostri te mores exprimant;
te corda nostra diligant
et nunc, et in perpetuum. Amen.
nostri te mores exprimant;
te corda nostra diligant
et nunc, et in perpetuum. Amen.
"O Jesus, admirable king and noble conqueror, sweetness ineffable, wholly to be desired." Totus, wholly, altogether, above all else.
2. "When Thou dost visit our heart, then truth illuminates it; the vanity of the world becomes contemptible, and charity glows within."
3. "O Jesus, sweetness of hearts, living fountain, light of intellects, Thou dost surpass all joys and all desires."
4. "Let all confess Jesus, let all earnestly ask for His love; let all zealously seek Jesus, and in seeking Him become enkindled."
5. "Thee, O Jesus, may our voices praise; may the whole course of our lives (mores) give testimony of Thee; may our hearts love Thee now and forever."