US Catholic Bishops' Pro-Life Chairman Thanks Senator Graham for Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) introduced the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act in the United States Senate. The legislation sets a federal minimum protection for unborn children that is in line with European limits and ban abortion after 15 weeks gestation when unborn children can feel pain. Graham noted that the current standard of medical care calls for unborn babies to receive pain medication during fetal surgery at 15 weeks gestation. Life-saving surgeries performed in utero, using pain medication, include treatment for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and spina bifida.
The U.S. Catholic Bishops' Pro-Life Chairman Bishop Michael F. Burbidge sent a letter of thanks to the senator:
Dear Senator Graham,
I write to thank you for your work on advancing the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn
Children from Late-Term Abortions Act,” a positive step toward protecting the right to life of
preborn children, beginning at 15 weeks after conception.
Science continues to reveal the amazing development and characteristics of babies in
utero, such as their ability to respond to music, to their mother’s voice, and to other stimuli.
Furthermore, there is significant scientific evidence that babies can feel pain as early as 12
weeks’ gestation. In a collaborative report, “Reconsidering Fetal Pain,” that was published in the
Journal of Medical Ethics, scientists summarized their findings in part: “Overall, the evidence,
and a balanced reading of that evidence, points towards an immediate and unreflective pain
experience…from as early as 12 weeks… [W]e no longer view fetal pain…in a gestational
window of 12–24 weeks as impossible based on the neuroscience.”1
Further, not only does abortion end the life of the preborn child, but it is frequently
harmful to the mother, emotionally and physically. Late-term abortions, such as those performed
when the preborn child is 15 weeks or older, pose significant physical, and potentially fatal, risks
to the mother.2
Pope Francis has said, “It is troubling to see how simple and convenient it has become for some to deny the existence of a human life as a solution to problems that can and must be solved for both the mother and her unborn child.”3 The Catholic Church remains clear and consistent in asserting that true justice demands protection for the right to life, the most basic human and civil right, for every child, from conception onward. No person or government has the right to take the life of any innocent human being, regardless of his or her stage of development. We will never cease working for laws that protect human life from its beginning, supporting mothers in need, and ultimately making abortion unthinkable. It is long past time to provide more life-affirming alternatives that support and protect both mother and child.
To be sure, as I reflected in marking the beginning of Respect Life Month this very month, “laws alone will not end the tragedy of abortion.” “[T]he most immediate way to save babies and mothers from abortion is to thoroughly surround mothers in need with life-giving support and personal accompaniment,” which also entails “addressing the fundamental challenges that lead an expectant mother to believe she is unable to welcome the child […].”4 Since the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Org., overturning Roe v. Wade and returning the issue of abortion to the people to decide through their elected representatives, however, the country has been in tremendous turmoil over this tragic and divisive issue. And we think that your proposed legislation should serve as one place to begin uniting Americans regardless of their overall views on abortion.
I therefore support your efforts with the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act” to protect the right to life of preborn babies from 15 weeks’ gestation as a step toward fulfilling the ultimate imperative that all preborn children be protected from the moment of conception and that mothers be supported. All elected officials, at all levels of government, including members of Congress at the federal level, now have the opportunity to protect preborn human life and should rise to the occasion. We strongly encourage your colleagues in Congress to co-sponsor this legislation. Sincerely, Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge
Bishop of Arlington
Pope Francis has said, “It is troubling to see how simple and convenient it has become for some to deny the existence of a human life as a solution to problems that can and must be solved for both the mother and her unborn child.”3 The Catholic Church remains clear and consistent in asserting that true justice demands protection for the right to life, the most basic human and civil right, for every child, from conception onward. No person or government has the right to take the life of any innocent human being, regardless of his or her stage of development. We will never cease working for laws that protect human life from its beginning, supporting mothers in need, and ultimately making abortion unthinkable. It is long past time to provide more life-affirming alternatives that support and protect both mother and child.
To be sure, as I reflected in marking the beginning of Respect Life Month this very month, “laws alone will not end the tragedy of abortion.” “[T]he most immediate way to save babies and mothers from abortion is to thoroughly surround mothers in need with life-giving support and personal accompaniment,” which also entails “addressing the fundamental challenges that lead an expectant mother to believe she is unable to welcome the child […].”4 Since the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Org., overturning Roe v. Wade and returning the issue of abortion to the people to decide through their elected representatives, however, the country has been in tremendous turmoil over this tragic and divisive issue. And we think that your proposed legislation should serve as one place to begin uniting Americans regardless of their overall views on abortion.
I therefore support your efforts with the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act” to protect the right to life of preborn babies from 15 weeks’ gestation as a step toward fulfilling the ultimate imperative that all preborn children be protected from the moment of conception and that mothers be supported. All elected officials, at all levels of government, including members of Congress at the federal level, now have the opportunity to protect preborn human life and should rise to the occasion. We strongly encourage your colleagues in Congress to co-sponsor this legislation. Sincerely, Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge
Bishop of Arlington
Chairman, Committee on Pro-Life Activities