Bishops call on the Scottish Government to recognise place of Catholic schools
The Bishops' Conference of Scotland have called on the Scottish Government to recognise the place of Catholic Schools in Scotland by ammending the latest guidance document on the Delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education. In a statement, the Bishops' Conference said:
"The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland is both disappointed and confused at the decision by the Scottish Government to delete all reference to Catholic schools in its: Guidance on the Delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education in Scottish Schools” document. We strongly request the re-insertion of the paragraphs relating to Denominational Education from the previous iteration of the guidance, which would reflect both the legal protection for schools with a Religious Character, and the previously supportive position of Scottish Government for Catholic schools.”
A consultation on the document will run until 23 November 2023. The Scottish Catholic Education Service has asked schools and parents to participate in the consultation and provided a breifing on the matter which can be viewed here:
“The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland is both disappointed and confused at the decision by the Scottish Government to delete all reference to Catholic schools in its: Guidance on the Delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education in Scottish Schools” document. We strongly request the re-insertion of the paragraphs relating to Denominational Education from the previous iteration of the guidance, which would reflect both the legal protection for schools with a Religious Character, and the previously supportive position of Scottish Government for Catholic schools.”
SCES is urging all members of the Catholic Education Community to respond to the Scottish Government Consultation on Guidance on the Teaching of Relationships Sexual Health and Parenting, due to close on November 23rd 2023.
There are several areas of this guidance that raise significant questions, in particular the fact that the paragraphs dedicated to Denominational Education have been removed.
It is vitally important that the Catholic Education Community has a strong and united voice in responding to this consultation, requesting the same action as the Bishops, so as to ensure that our sector is represented and our views heard.
A voluminous response to this consultation by the Catholic Education community is necessary before the closing date of the 23rd November and we are asking for your help in achieving this.
We have prepared 3 papers to assist in responding, and would ask that you read, circulate and encourage as many individual responses as possible from your parish and school community, including parents, staff and your wider partners. SEE MORE https://sces.org.uk/relationships-sexual-health-and-parenting-respond-to-scottish-government-consultation-by-23rd-november/
Source: https://scmo.org/news-releases/perma/1700147760/article/bishops-call-on-scottish-government-to-recognise-p.html