Pope Francis says "This is the key. Compassion is God's imprint on our hearts." Vatican Synod Evening Prayer for Migrants and Refugees - FULL TEXT

 This evening, at 7.15 pm, at the end of the work of the 13th General Congregation of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, a Moment of prayer for migrants and refugees took place in St. Peter's Square, near the Angel Unawares sculpture, presided over by Holy Father Francis.
FULL TEXT reflection that Pope Francis gave after listening to the Word of God:
Reflection of the Holy Father
We will never be grateful enough to Saint Luke for having transmitted this parable of the Lord to us (see Luke 10:25-37). It is also at the center of the Encyclical Fratelli tutti, because it is a key, I would say the key to move from the closed world to an open world, from a world at war to the peace of another world. Tonight we listened to it thinking about the migrants, who we see represented in this large sculpture: men and women of all ages and backgrounds; and among them the angels, who lead them.
The road that led from Jerusalem to Jericho was not a safe path, just as the numerous migratory routes that cross deserts, forests, rivers and seas are not safe today. How many brothers and sisters today find themselves in the same condition as the traveler in the parable?

Many! How many are robbed, stripped and beaten along the way? They leave deceived by unscrupulous traffickers. They are then sold as trade goods. They are kidnapped, imprisoned, exploited and enslaved. They are humiliated, tortured, raped. And many, many die without ever reaching their goal. The migratory routes of our time are populated by men and women wounded and left half-dead, by brothers and sisters whose pain cries out to God. They are often people fleeing from war and terrorism, as we unfortunately see these days.
Even today, as then, there are those who see and move on, certainly giving themselves a good justification, in reality out of selfishness, indifference, fear. This is the truth. Instead, what does the Gospel say about that Samaritan? He says that he saw that wounded man and had compassion for him (v. 33). This is the key. Compassion is God's imprint on our hearts. God's style is closeness, compassion and tenderness: this is God's style. And compassion is God's imprint in our heart. This is the key. Here is the turning point. In fact, from that moment the life of that wounded man begins to improve, thanks to that stranger who acted like a brother. And so the fruit is not just a good action of assistance, the fruit is brotherhood.
Like the Good Samaritan, we are called to be close to all travelers today, to save their lives, heal their wounds, soothe their pain. For many, unfortunately, it is too late and we just have to cry on their graves, if they have one, or the Mediterranean has ended up being the grave. But the Lord knows the face of each one, and he does not forget it.
The Good Samaritan does not limit himself to helping the poor traveler on the road. He puts him on his donkey, takes him to an inn and takes care of him. Here we can find the meaning of the four verbs that summarize our action with migrants: welcome, protect, promote and integrate. Migrants must be welcomed, protected, promoted and integrated. This is a long-term responsibility, in fact the good Samaritan is committed both to the outward journey and the return journey. This is why it is important to adequately prepare ourselves for the challenges of today's migrations, understanding the critical issues, but also the opportunities they offer, with a view to the growth of more inclusive, more beautiful, more peaceful societies.
Allow me to highlight the urgency of another action, which is not contemplated by the parable. We must all commit to making the road safer, so that today's travelers do not fall victim to bandits. It is necessary to multiply efforts to fight criminal networks, which speculate on the dreams of migrants. But it is equally necessary to indicate safer roads. For this reason, we must commit to expanding regular migratory channels. In the current global scenario, it is clear that it is necessary to bring demographic and economic policies into dialogue with migration policies for the benefit of all the people involved, without ever forgetting to put the most vulnerable at the centre. It is also necessary to promote a common and co-responsible approach to the governance of migratory flows, which seem destined to increase in the coming years.
Welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating: this is the work we must do.
We ask the Lord for the grace to make us close to all the migrants and refugees who knock on our door, because today "anyone who is not a bandit and anyone who does not pass at a distance is either injured or carrying someone injured on his shoulders" (Fratelli tutti, 70).
And now we will have a short moment of silence, remembering all those who did not make it, who lost their lives along the various migratory routes, and those who were used, enslaved.
