Catholic Bishop Olivier of Arras, France, writes Letter after Terrorist Attack leaves a Teacher Dead and 2 Injured - RIP Dominique Bernard

On October 13th, 2023, a stabbing occurred at the Gambetta-Carnot secondary school in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France. One teacher (pictured above) was killed, and three others were seriously wounded. According to the French government, the stabbing is believed to be terrorist-related and linked to the 2023 Israel–Hamas war. A French language teacher, named Dominique Bernard, was killed while another teacher, a security guard and a cleaner were seriously injured. The attacker was confronted by a teacher and other members of staff including the headmaster before being detained by police. The Catholic bishop of Arras, wrote the following two letters to the faithful and teachers at the school:
Arras, October 13, 2023
For the attention of the faithful of the diocese of Arras
Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters,
Like you, I am astounded by the events that took place this Friday morning at the Gambetta high school in Arras.
During the masses this Sunday, we will pray for the murdered teacher and his family, for the other victims and their loved ones, for the educational community of Gambetta high school, as well as for all the students and their families. We will pray for all teachers and for this damaged world. We will also pray for all those who give in to violence.
After what happened this week in the Holy Land, these events shake us. I think they're summoning us.
We are first called to prayer. It is a service that we provide to the world. But let us never forget: to pray, for a Christian, is to agree to take a risk. Prayer is transformative, it humanizes us. Praying for peace is resolutely asking the Holy Spirit to make us peacemakers, wherever we are, in all the circumstances of our lives.
We are also called upon, with all men and women of good will, to commit ourselves to peace. Prisoners of fear, terrified of violence, some can be tempted by hatred. That is never an answer. Responding to hatred with hatred and to violence with violence is to multiply hatred and violence. Let us seek justice and truth, essential conditions for peace, let us commit ourselves to this end. But let's not let ourselves be trapped by the spirit of revenge.
I would like to express here my deep gratitude and support to all teachers. We must resolutely promote the educational mission. It is decisive for the growth of children and young people and for the future of our society. She is on the front line of the fight for justice and peace. I ask the Lord that young people from our communities dare to engage in such missions.
Finally, because “Christ is our peace”, he who “destroyed the wall of hatred” (Eph 2:14), these events call us in a renewed way on the paths of proclaiming the Gospel. Despair and withdrawal seem to be increasing in our society, and peace can seem an unattainable goal. Disciples of Christ, we are sent to live and proclaim the Gospel of peace (Eph 6:15). It's about letting ourselves be pushed, to provide the world with the service that God asks us to provide.
In deep communion with all of you in Christ, our Hope, I say my prayer to you and count on yours.
+ Olivier Leborgne,
Bishop of Arras.
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October 14, 2023
For the attention of teachers of Pas-de-Calais and the diocese of Arras
Dear teachers,
We are all stunned by the drama which took place last Friday at the Gambetta high school in Arras, the assassination of Mr. Dominique Bernard, teacher, and the attack on another teacher and an agent. We are thinking especially of them, of their families, of their loved ones, and of the entire educational community of Gambetta high school (teachers, staff, students and families).
But how can we not also think of all of you, teachers in our department and our country? I regularly meet teachers who tell me of the passion for their mission, but also of a growing concern in the face of family, societal and educational developments which considerably weigh down and complicate their educational commitment. With this attack perpetrated on a school grounds, your mission has been struck to the heart, even more deeply.
I wanted to express my deep admiration and support to you, and express all my gratitude.
You exercise an exciting and difficult profession, too often misunderstood and mistreated, yet crucial for the future of our society. Teach, educate. Serving growth and human freedom through the awakening of intelligence, the transmission of knowledge, the acquisition of experience, shared research, learning about social life. Helping young people to deploy the riches within them, to grow, to find a path in professional life and in society. By participating in the development of each person's abilities, knowledge and humanity, you participate in citizenship education and you serve the sense of justice, essential conditions for peace.
Our world is so damaged. You work there as sentinels of the future, humanity and peace.
Allow the believer that I am to also say my prayer to you. This is much more than a formula. Christian prayer obliges. It commits the person who does it to those for whom he prays or to the cause he supports.
Thank you for being there and for persevering with courage and competence in this task of educating children and young people.
+ Olivier Leborgne
Bishop of Arras
For the attention of the faithful of the diocese of Arras
Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters,
Like you, I am astounded by the events that took place this Friday morning at the Gambetta high school in Arras.
During the masses this Sunday, we will pray for the murdered teacher and his family, for the other victims and their loved ones, for the educational community of Gambetta high school, as well as for all the students and their families. We will pray for all teachers and for this damaged world. We will also pray for all those who give in to violence.
After what happened this week in the Holy Land, these events shake us. I think they're summoning us.
We are first called to prayer. It is a service that we provide to the world. But let us never forget: to pray, for a Christian, is to agree to take a risk. Prayer is transformative, it humanizes us. Praying for peace is resolutely asking the Holy Spirit to make us peacemakers, wherever we are, in all the circumstances of our lives.
We are also called upon, with all men and women of good will, to commit ourselves to peace. Prisoners of fear, terrified of violence, some can be tempted by hatred. That is never an answer. Responding to hatred with hatred and to violence with violence is to multiply hatred and violence. Let us seek justice and truth, essential conditions for peace, let us commit ourselves to this end. But let's not let ourselves be trapped by the spirit of revenge.
I would like to express here my deep gratitude and support to all teachers. We must resolutely promote the educational mission. It is decisive for the growth of children and young people and for the future of our society. She is on the front line of the fight for justice and peace. I ask the Lord that young people from our communities dare to engage in such missions.
Finally, because “Christ is our peace”, he who “destroyed the wall of hatred” (Eph 2:14), these events call us in a renewed way on the paths of proclaiming the Gospel. Despair and withdrawal seem to be increasing in our society, and peace can seem an unattainable goal. Disciples of Christ, we are sent to live and proclaim the Gospel of peace (Eph 6:15). It's about letting ourselves be pushed, to provide the world with the service that God asks us to provide.
In deep communion with all of you in Christ, our Hope, I say my prayer to you and count on yours.
+ Olivier Leborgne,
Bishop of Arras.
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October 14, 2023
For the attention of teachers of Pas-de-Calais and the diocese of Arras
Dear teachers,
We are all stunned by the drama which took place last Friday at the Gambetta high school in Arras, the assassination of Mr. Dominique Bernard, teacher, and the attack on another teacher and an agent. We are thinking especially of them, of their families, of their loved ones, and of the entire educational community of Gambetta high school (teachers, staff, students and families).
But how can we not also think of all of you, teachers in our department and our country? I regularly meet teachers who tell me of the passion for their mission, but also of a growing concern in the face of family, societal and educational developments which considerably weigh down and complicate their educational commitment. With this attack perpetrated on a school grounds, your mission has been struck to the heart, even more deeply.
I wanted to express my deep admiration and support to you, and express all my gratitude.
You exercise an exciting and difficult profession, too often misunderstood and mistreated, yet crucial for the future of our society. Teach, educate. Serving growth and human freedom through the awakening of intelligence, the transmission of knowledge, the acquisition of experience, shared research, learning about social life. Helping young people to deploy the riches within them, to grow, to find a path in professional life and in society. By participating in the development of each person's abilities, knowledge and humanity, you participate in citizenship education and you serve the sense of justice, essential conditions for peace.
Our world is so damaged. You work there as sentinels of the future, humanity and peace.
Allow the believer that I am to also say my prayer to you. This is much more than a formula. Christian prayer obliges. It commits the person who does it to those for whom he prays or to the cause he supports.
Thank you for being there and for persevering with courage and competence in this task of educating children and young people.
+ Olivier Leborgne
Bishop of Arras