Vatican Releases Update on the Beatification of the Youngest Unborn Child of the Ulma Family who Received “blood baptism at the martyrdom of his parents”

The youngest child of the Ulma family received “blood baptism at the martyrdom of his parents.”
Note of the Dicastery for the beatification and canonization processes about the youngest child of the Polish martyr family Ulma
The seventh child of the Ulma family “was delivered at the time of the mother's martyrdom. It was therefore added to the number of their children who were also martyred. She was baptized in blood at the martyrdom of her parents. This is what Marcello Cardinal Semeraro, the prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for the beatification and canonization processes, writes in his own note on the forthcoming beatification of the entire Ulma martyr family. On September 10, in Markowa, the nine-member family of Józef and Wiktoria Ulma, who were murdered by German police in 1944 for hiding two Jewish families, will be beatified.
The full text from the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints:
Referring to the news recently published in the press about the martyrdom of the Ulma family, whose beatification rite will be celebrated on Sunday September 10, 2023 in Markowa (Poland), the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints announces the following:
1. At the time of the massacre, Mrs. Wittoria Ulma was in the advanced stages of pregnancy with her seventh child.
2. This child was delivered at the time of the mother's martyrdom.
3. It was therefore added to the number of their children who were also martyred. She was baptized in blood at the martyrdom of her parents.
Rome, September 5, 2023
Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect
Archbishop Fabio Fabene, Secretary
A song about the Ulma family - both with historical images and with recreated video scenes: