#BreakingNews a Catholic Church in Berlin, Germany is Attacked Just Before the Pro-Life March for Life
On September 16th a Holy Mass for the unborn children was held in St. Marien am Behnitz in Berlin-Spandau, Germany. However, the night before, left-wing radicals damaged the church. The police are investigating. SEE ALSO: #BreakingNews Over 6,000 at Pro-Life March for Life in Germanyhttps://www.catholicnewsworld.com/2023/09/breakingnews-over-6000-at-pro-life.html
Presumably left-wing radicals in Berlin have attacked a Catholic church in the context of the "March for Life." Pastor David Hassenforder announced this to kath.net in a broadcast on Saturday - it was also announced on the "March for Life" Facebook page (see below).On Saturday there was a Holy Mass in the church before the March for Life, honoring unborn children. Auxiliary Bishop Florian Wörner and the Catholic priests were concerned. Hassenforder announced that unknown people smeared the doors of the historic church on the edge of Spandau's old town with construction foam and damaged the lock on the main portal with glue. The police took down the church community's complaint that morning.
In his sermon, Auxiliary Bishop Wörner emphasized the sacredness of human life “from its beginning in the womb to its last breath” and called for protecting the weakest of the weak, especially the “children who do not yet have a voice of their own.” Thanks to the presence of the Berlin police, the service was celebrated peacefully and with dignity with a large participation of believers from Berlin and all over Germany. Since 2017, the Spandau parishes have been celebrating the “March of the Angels,” a requiem for the unborn, on the morning of the Berlin March for Life.