How 1 Catholic Church in North Carolina is Helping to End Hunger in Part of Haiti with Over 3 Million Meals - Truly Inspiring!
A Catholic Church in North Carolina is Helping to End Hunger in Haiti with Over 3 Million Meals - Truly Inspiring!
Feeding the Body, Mind, and Spirit of our Brothers and Sisters in Need . . . Locally and Around the World. About the Monsignor McSweeney World Hunger Drive: (Their video from last year's drive)
Continue to support feeding children in Venezuela and a boy’s hostel in India.
This year’s goal is to raise $340,000, which will help provide a minimum of 300,000 pounds of food and critical supplies. Donations will also fund sustainability projects and subsidize the education of children at St. Marc. A donation of $100 will help feed a child for a year and save them from starvation.
How You Can Participate in this Year’s Event:
This year marks the 21st year of our Monsignor McSweeney World Hunger Drive, and once again, we are counting on your generosity to help us reach our goal and continue our mission to provide food and support to the hungry and homeless locally and around the world.
The drive will be conducted in two parts:
Part 1: Fundraising
The fundraising campaign will take place from July 15 – August 6. The goal is to raise $340,000 which will be used to:Provide a minimum of 300,000 pounds of food and critical supplies to the Missionaries of the Poor for distribution in Cap Haitien.
Continue to fund sustainability projects, subsidize the education of students at St. Marc School, expand the sewing trade school, and start an agricultural trade school.
Continue to support feeding children in Venezuela and a boy’s hostel in India.
They also Provide food and funds to assist their local homeless.
Two Fundraising Opportunities:
They also have an Annual Hoops for Hunger 3v3 Tournament which took place on Saturday, August 5.
You’ll be able to allocate where you’d like your donation to go. Choose from food, bulk rice & beans, sustainability, education (St. Marc School/Sewing Trade School/Agricultural Trade School), or wherever needed.
Join them for the in-person meal-packing event which will take place in the St. Matthew Parish Center on Saturday, August 12. The goal is for 1,200 volunteers to assemble 300,000 meals. It takes a village – please consider signing up to help!
In addition to packing meals, many other volunteer opportunities are available to support this important event. Their meal-packing events are a great way for individuals and families of all ages to work together, have fun, and fulfill our mission of serving our brothers and sisters in need, locally and around the world.
“Do you want to do something beautiful for God? There is a person who needs you. This is your chance.” – Mother Teresa
Thank you for your gift of love. We are truly one family, connected in Christ and moved by the Spirit.