This title is represented by an image of Mary with the Infant Jesus in Her arms or seated on Her knee. "Wisdom hath built herself a house," says the Holy Ghost in Sacred Scripture. This house, this temple of Wisdom, was, and ever is, Mary.
When Jesus Christ, Who is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Eternal Wisdom of the Father, took up His dwelling in Mary, He made Her His Temple when He became Man. While He was a little Babe, seated on His Mother's knee, She was in literal truth His throne and temple. We, too, each one of us, are temples of Wisdom, "temples of the Holy Ghost," as St. Paul says. Wisdom is one of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Every time we receive Holy Communion, we become the throne or temple of Our Lord in a most real, physical way; each one of us is then really and truly a "Seat of Wisdom," a throne or temple of Jesus.
In the liturgical hymn for the Feast of the Dedication of a Church we read how our souls, the living stones for the Temple of the Heavenly Jerusalem, are hewn and polished by the blows of axe and chisel, that is, by the cross. Mary is an exception; She was a perfect, finished temple of holiness even before Her birth.
"Wisdom hath built herself a house." "He Who created me rested in my tabernacle." She is the "Wise Virgin." But heavenly wisdom is very different from worldly wisdom. Worldly wisdom teaches us to seek after the "good" things of this life—money, position, power, pleasure. Heavenly Wisdom, on the contrary, teaches us to hold all these material goods as inferior to the good of the soul, to eternal life.
Edited from Source: https://www.salvemariaregina.info/SalveMariaRegina/SMR-158/Seat%20of%20Wisdom.htm