#BreakingNews Thousands Join in Italy's Pro-Life National Manifestation for Life with Over 120 Organizations Involved - VIDEO

Thousands of families, religious, citizens and over 120 associations marched through the streets of Rome to celebrate the beauty and dignity of human life. It started at 2pm from Piazza della Repubblica in procession, to the Piazza of the Saint John Latern Basilica. This was announced by Maria Rachele Ruiu, one of the two spokespersons for the event.
The civilization oriented towards the future and progress has human rights at heart.
In their press release they write that the Manifestation is first of all for the law to respect life. Consider every human being as a subject and never as an object; as a fine person from the instant that gives it origin and identity: conception. Civilization is more humane the more it takes care of its most fragile, smallest, poorest, most defenseless members. How, then, can one "civil" society legalize the killing of the most innocent and helpless of creatures, the child in the womb, abandoning their mothers in solitude?đą Noi siamo la generazione Pro Vita!!
â Pro Vita & Famiglia (@ProVitaFamiglia) May 20, 2023
#Scegliamolavita #manifestazioneperlavita #provita #prolife #provitaefamiglia pic.twitter.com/blgpMAtpzp
The organization says, abortion is a wound that the world must heal. It causes so much poverty: to the woman for maternity denied, to man for debased paternity, to the family for failed acceptance; at the society that sees the bond of solidarity which is the foundation of human coexistence affected. We want to look to the future with hope, reiterating that every child conceived is "one of usâ, is the future of humanity. In the acceptance of life lie the resources of intelligence and of heart to renew society towards goals of justice and good. With a privileged look towards women, first allies of nascent life, and together with all men of good will, we want to build a future in which all human rights are realized within the civilization of truth e of love.La manifestazione per la Vita Ăš appena passata davanti alla sede nazionale di Pro Vita & Famiglia! đ#Scegliamolavita #manifestazioneperlavita #provita #prolife #provitaefamiglia pic.twitter.com/KLgrWS8H9p
â Pro Vita & Famiglia (@ProVitaFamiglia) May 20, 2023
With this intention thay want to walk in the public streets. Not to leave the
resignation the defeat of the enormous number of abortions. We appeal to all women and a
all men of good will: let us unite, publicly bear witness to the value of life
every human being, from conception to natural death; we ask for laws that protect the
right to life and truly protect motherhood. They want to remind all of society that âthe recognition of the inherent dignity of
every member of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and
peace in the worldâ (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 12.10.1948) and that the child
âneeds special protection and special care, including adequate protection
juridical, both before and after birth" (Convention on the rights of the child, 20.11. 1989).
âUntil abortion is practiced and proclaimed as a right, the world will not have
never justice or peace.â (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)