Saint May 23 : St. Julia of Corsica who was Crucified because she Refused to Sacrifice to Pagan gods
Died: 5th century
Feast day: May 23
Virgin, Martyr
Patronage: torture victims, pathologies of the hands and the feet, Corsica, France, Brescia and Livorno, Italy
Prayer to St. Julia Your lamb, Julia, O Jesus, did cry unto You with a loud voice, saying, My Bridegroom, I long for You, and in struggles seek You. I am crucified and buried with You in my Baptism, and for You I do suffer until I reign with You. I die for You that I may live in You. Then as a sacrifice without blemish receive her who for Your sake was slain. Through her intercessions, therefore, Since You are merciful, save our souls and let the example of St. Julia be a motivation for us to stay by You forever. Amen.
Saint Julia Corsica, also known as Saint Julia of Carthage, was born in Carthage to a noble family. In 616, the city was conquered by the Vandals and she was captured and sold as a slave to the pagan merchant, Eusebius. St. Julia’s beauty, her faithfulness, and abilities as a hard worker proved her worth to her master. She spent her spare time in prayer and reading sacred books. In 620, while traveling to France, Eusebius stopped at a pagan festival. The Governor tried to make Julia sacrifice to their gods but she refused. He even offered to buy her from Eusebius. "No,” Eusebius replied, "All you own will not buy her. I would willingly lose the most valuable thing in the world rather than lose her.” So while Eusebius slept, the governor kidnapped, tortured and crucified Julia. Her relics are in Brescia, Italy at a Benedictine Abby.
(Prayer source: