Catholic Bishops of Spain Defend Unborn in Face of Court Ruling "we defend the dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God" FULL TEXT

García Magán, in COPE: The only words of help a woman receives cannot be "get rid of your son"
The General Secretary of the EEC deepens with Ángel Expósito in La Linterna about the decision of the Constitutional Court on abortion
"It is a sentence that must be read with sadness and concern." This is how the Secretary General of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Francisco César García Magan, explained the decision of February 9, 2023, when the Constitutional Court rejected, after 13 years, the paper that declared unconstitutional the "Organic Law 2/2010 of sexual and reproductive health and the voluntary interruption of pregnancy”, requesting a new paper.
The right to kill a human being cannot exist
In a conversation on COPE's La Linterna program with Ángel Expósito, the secretary of the bishops assured that the issue of abortion is "of the utmost importance in life" and, furthermore, he reflected on Spanish legislation "that has We've gone down an inclined plane and we've reached a point below sea level where the right to kill a human being cannot exist."
García Magán has highlighted that "life conceived but not born is not an appendage of the mother, but that we are dealing with an independent living being, with a patrimony of rights equal to that of each one of us".
As the director of La Linterna de COPE has said, mothers in vulnerable situations need “help and accompaniment”. Something with which García Magán has agreed, who has urged to "defend not only life from the moment of conception to natural death" but to put alternative means and channels "to be fully coherent so that the only word is not "disrupt and your son."
"Deconstruct" the essential
For this reason, he explained, "we make our own the words that Pope Francis has recently pronounced on the subject: This is the disastrous path of ideological colonizations that put reductive concepts of freedom before the reality of life, for example, presented as conquest a senseless right to abortion.” Once again we confirm that "the right to decide and the desire-feeling acquire legal status at the service of the construction of a new social model, for which it is necessary to "deconstruct" the essentials of the current system".
For this reason, "we defend the dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God, regardless of age, race, state of health." And he reiterated the unconditional support of the bishops "to women who suffer the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy, offering them the effective help of the Church, through so many programs and associations, reminding them that the death of the child they are carrying It's never the solution to your problems."
La Comisión Ejecutiva de la @confepiscopal apunta que la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional reduce al no nacido "a un sin papeles candidato a la expulsión del seno materno", tras avalar la Ley del Aborto de Zapatero
— Ecclesia COPE (@ecclesiacope) May 9, 2023