Wow 50,000 Join in the Pro-Life March for Life in Madrid, Spain by Sí a la Vida with Over 500 Associations Sponsoring! VIDEO

 March is the month of life in the Spanish calendar.

 Sí a la Vida group called on civil society to celebrate the International Day of Life, organized a march in Madrid on Sunday, March 12th, which was supported by more than 500 associations and civic entities. More than 400 young volunteers have accompanied all the families.

Participating in his presentation were, among others, Alicia Latorre, Amaya Azcona (Red Madre), Álvaro Ortega (Fundación + Vida), Javier Rodriguez and Marcos Gonzalvez (Family Forum), Rosa Arregui (Adevida), Marta Velarde (+Future) , Ana del Pino (One of Us), Eva María Martín (Andoc); Oscar Rivas (Educatio Servanda); and Reme Losada (Aesvida), among others.

In Europe,  there is pressure to include abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and ideology continues to progress in the legislative sphere and in the courts in the face of scientific evidence, which affirms that denying that there is a new life in the womb of a pregnant woman from conception is irrational, as the Spanish bishops of the Episcopal Subcommission for the Family and Defense of Life of the Spanish Episcopal Conference have pointed out.

The president of this subcommittee, Monsignor José Mazuelos, referring to the sentence that would be issued shortly in Spain, stated: "A court has been arranged to approve an unjust, ideological and contrary to science law."

