Due to economic difficulties Pope Francis has ordered the repeal of the rules that allow the free use or under favorable conditions of the buildings owned by the curial institutions and bodies that refer to the Holy See.
With a Rescript following the hearing granted last February 13 to the prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, Maximino Caballero Ledo, Pope Francis ordered the repeal of all the provisions that allow the free use or under particularly favorable conditions of the properties of property of the curial institutions and bodies that refer to the Holy See, including the Domus.
It is a decision - reads the Rescript - taken "to face the growing commitments that the fulfillment of service to the Universal Church and to the needy requires in an economic context such as the current one, of particular gravity", with the consequent need " that everyone make an extraordinary sacrifice to allocate more resources to the mission of the Holy See, also by increasing the revenues from the management of real estate assets".
The provision concerns cardinals, dicastery heads, presidents, secretaries, undersecretaries, executives and equivalents, including auditors, and equivalents, of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota.
The Institutions that own the buildings will therefore have to apply the prices normally applied to those without positions of any kind in the Holy See and in the Vatican City State. Even the Domus will have to apply the ordinary rates established by their own administrative body.
The provision has no effect on the concessions already granted on the date of its entry into force and, therefore, the contracts stipulated previously continue until their natural expiry, but can be extended or renewed only in compliance with what is now established, without prejudice to mandatory renewals established by law or contract. Any exception to the new legislation must be directly authorized by the Pope.
Edited from Vatican News Italian