Thursday, Nov 2, 2023 7:00 PM - Sunday, Nov 5, 2023 12:00 PM PDT
Christ Cathedral Campus, Orange County, California
Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. announces The Hour of the Laity: A Lay Catholic Conference. Attend TLI’s new platform for forming lay Catholics to engage society as civic leaders: https://youtu.be/85-V5MuTw_Y
Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. announces The Hour of the Laity: A Lay Catholic Conference. Attend TLI’s new platform for forming lay Catholics to engage society as civic leaders: https://youtu.be/85-V5MuTw_Y
All the experts, panelists, and keynotes introduced are lay people. The Hour of the Laity puts only lay Catholic leaders, who are making an impact, in front of attendees as examples of authentic lay Catholic leadership. Our speakers will show lay Catholics why and how our true calling is to be ambassadors of Christ in the world.
Speaker Highlight:
- Tim Busch https://rb.gy/xtpjcf
- Deacon Charlie Echeverry https://rb.gy/fnyntc
- Monica Hannan https://rb.gy/srymxl
- Candelario de Leon https://rb.gy/z9exa1
- Nikolas Nikas https://rb.gy/8blyjx
- Simone Rizkallah https://rb.gy/i6hol0
This conference:
- Will provide attendees an opportunity to learn about the different areas of human activity which are primed for lay Catholic leadership in civil society.
- Will initiate attendees in a discernment towards the discovery of the unique leadership role God has prepared for them in civil society.
- Will initiate attendees on how to become influential leaders in their own professional fields, communities, and spheres of influence (i.e., board service, philanthropy, public service, or civic engagement).
- Will connect attendees with the resources and a larger network of lay Catholic leaders ready to support each other while influencing society with the values of the Gospel.
The Hour of the Laity: A Lay Catholic Conference, is a new platform to form lay Catholics for engaging society as civic leaders. Like its flagship program, Tepeyac Leadership Initiative (TLI), the conference lives at the intersection of professional development and spiritual growth.
As part of TLI’s mission to deliver civic leadership development to lay Catholics in the U.S. and beyond, the conference will equip lay people to take on leadership roles in the secular world. The conference will become an annual platform to train the next generation of lay Catholic leaders for America and the world.
Lay Catholics have a unique responsibility and privileged opportunity to influence the world for Christ. It’s not an optional prerogative, but their duty as baptized children of God. JOIN US!
Early Bird Rate by May 1, 2023
For sponsorship opportunities: sponsors@tepeyacleadership.org
Learn more about Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. here: https://tliprogram.org/
Learn more about Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. here: https://tliprogram.org/