“We, the Trappist sisters of Nicaragua, have voluntarily left the country, for reasons of the Order, lack of vocations, the old age of several sisters, etc. We will always remain united in prayer, in friendship and in the affection that the Lord has given us during these 22 years... Our new destination is Panama. A big fraternal hug to everyone and our thanks”, is the message that Sister Fabiana delivered to the Police in Nicaragua.
Before leaving, the nuns handed over the convent, monastery and property to the Diocese of Chontales.
Before leaving, the nuns handed over the convent, monastery and property to the Diocese of Chontales.
Although the nuns did not refer to their migratory situation in Nicaragua, 100% Noticias learned that two weeks ago the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration began to summon various religious and foreign missionaries for new requirements for permanence in the country.
The Trappist nuns are a contemplative Order of the Catholic Church.
Sources: https://100noticias.com.ni/nacionales/122221-monjas-trapense-abandonan-nicaragua/