VIDEO Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's Body Buried in the Vatican Crypt in Former Tomb of St. John Paul II
Pope Emeritus buried according to his wishes in the former tomb of Pope John Paul II - UPDATE: According to Vatican spokesman Bruni, a visit to the tomb will probably be possible from Sunday.
The body of Benedict XVI was buried in the Vatican. The "Vatican News" portal published corresponding photos on Twitter on Thursday afternoon. Unlike the funeral service in the morning, the burial took place in a small circle and was closed to the public. The pictures show, among others, the former private secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, and the women of the spiritual community "Memores Domini". In recent years, they have taken care of Benedict XVI's retirement home. in the monastery "Mater ecclesiae" in the Vatican Gardens for the household.
The pictures also show the welding of the zinc coffin and the sealing of one of the wooden coffins. As is customary, the former pope was buried in a total of three coffins that fit into one another: one made of cypress wood, one made of zinc and a third coffin made of oak wood. Then Benedict was lowered into the former tomb of Pope John Paul II in the Vatican Grottoes under St. Peter's Basilica. This corresponded to the wishes of the former German Pope.
Vatican spokesman Bruni said a visit to the tomb will probably be possible from Sunday. He assumes that the necessary work will then probably be completed. He left open what the work was about, but it was probably about the sealing of the crypt with an individual grave slab.