Pope Francis Baptizes 13 Babies and says Remember the Date of Your Baptism Every Year to Thank God! FULL TEXT + Video

Sistine Chapel
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Dear parents, thank you for bringing your children here, for letting them enter the Church. And this is a good day, because we don't forget when we were baptized. It is like a birthday, because Baptism makes us reborn to the Christian life. This is why I advise you to teach your children the date of Baptism, like a new birthday: that every year they remember and thank God for this grace of having become Christians. This is a task that I recommend you do.
Then, let's reflect a little on the fact that these children that you are bringing now are starting a road, but it is up to you and the godparents to help them continue on this road. We are taught to pray as children: that they learn to pray, like children, at least to do so with their hands, with gestures...
That they learn prayer, as children, because prayer will be what will give them strength throughout their lives : in good times, to thank God, and in bad times, to find the strength. It is the first thing you must teach: to pray.
And also pray to Our Lady, who is the Mother, is our Mother. It is said that when someone is angry with the Lord, or has moved away, Our Lady is always close by to make way for him to be able to return. It's a saying. The Lord is always close to us, but Our Lady is the mother, and the mother is always closer than the father. All time. Because? Because that's how it is. Moms are like that, and that's great. Let them learn to be Christians.
They're all quiet now, and that's fine. But maybe someone will “give the la” and start. And since children are symphonic, everyone will go after this. Let them cry, let them cry. Maybe someone is crying from hunger: breastfeed them. With all freedom. The important thing is that today this celebration is the feast, the feast of the beginning of a beautiful Christian journey, in which you will help your children to move forward. Maybe someone is too covered up and hot: that they are comfortable, that everyone is comfortable.
We celebrate this beginning of the journey with them. And it's up to you to help them move forward. Because I end up here, but you all your life!
Thank you for this decision to take them to Baptism. And now we continue the celebration.
Sistine Chapel
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Dear parents, thank you for bringing your children here, for letting them enter the Church. And this is a good day, because we don't forget when we were baptized. It is like a birthday, because Baptism makes us reborn to the Christian life. This is why I advise you to teach your children the date of Baptism, like a new birthday: that every year they remember and thank God for this grace of having become Christians. This is a task that I recommend you do.
Then, let's reflect a little on the fact that these children that you are bringing now are starting a road, but it is up to you and the godparents to help them continue on this road. We are taught to pray as children: that they learn to pray, like children, at least to do so with their hands, with gestures...
That they learn prayer, as children, because prayer will be what will give them strength throughout their lives : in good times, to thank God, and in bad times, to find the strength. It is the first thing you must teach: to pray.
And also pray to Our Lady, who is the Mother, is our Mother. It is said that when someone is angry with the Lord, or has moved away, Our Lady is always close by to make way for him to be able to return. It's a saying. The Lord is always close to us, but Our Lady is the mother, and the mother is always closer than the father. All time. Because? Because that's how it is. Moms are like that, and that's great. Let them learn to be Christians.
They're all quiet now, and that's fine. But maybe someone will “give the la” and start. And since children are symphonic, everyone will go after this. Let them cry, let them cry. Maybe someone is crying from hunger: breastfeed them. With all freedom. The important thing is that today this celebration is the feast, the feast of the beginning of a beautiful Christian journey, in which you will help your children to move forward. Maybe someone is too covered up and hot: that they are comfortable, that everyone is comfortable.
We celebrate this beginning of the journey with them. And it's up to you to help them move forward. Because I end up here, but you all your life!
Thank you for this decision to take them to Baptism. And now we continue the celebration.