
Saint May 28 : St. Germanus the Abbot and Bishop of Paris

Saint May 28 : Blessed Margaret Pole : Catholic Royal Countess Martyred by King Henry VIII in 1541 England

Saint May 28 : St. Bernard of Montjoux - the Origin of the Name of St Bernard Dogs and Patron of Skiers, Climbers

Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost - Day 1 - Begins - SHARE #Pentecost Prayers and Act of Consecration

Bishops' Conference of Italy Approves 5 Points of Action for Prevention of Abuse - after Listening to Cardinal O'Malley's Message - FULL TEXT

Wow 2 Franciscan Friars on Evangelization Pilgrimage to 30 Major League Baseball Stadiums!

EU Bishops' Holy Land Coordination Group says "We share the concerns expressed by the Christian community about unilateral restrictions on freedom of worship..." FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Friday, May 27, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint May 27 : St. Augustine of Canterbury the 1st Archbishop of Canterbury, Apostle of England and Patron of England - Died in 604 AD