A New Saintly Young Virgin and Martyr is Declared Blessed in Brazil - Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos who was Killed at Age 20
Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos was born on July 29, 1962 in Barbacena. She is the daughter of José Mendes Campos and Helena Mrad Campos. With a desire to study medicine, she moved, in 1982, to Juiz de Fora (MG) where she took a pre-university course.
Like many other young women she studied, went out, participated in celebrations. She was also a woman of prayer and dreamt of being a pediatrician which would allow her to help children in need.
She was sensitive to the needs of the poor, the elderly and children (something that she acquired from her family who were members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. At that time her father was the president of the Central Council of Barbacena.
On September 1, 1962, a man, who was helping her move some furniture into her apartment, attempted to rape her. She resisted his attach but was struck with a chair, tied up, bitten and stripped of her clothing. Still she resisted and as a result she was stabbed some fifteen times.
Process of Beatification
The process of Isabel’s beatification began in 2001 in Barbacena. At that time, she was given the honor of being referred to as Servant of God”. This process continued for eight years and almost sixty individuals testified about her holiness and about work as a member of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Society, providing assistance to people who were poor and in need.
In October 2020, Pope Francis published the decree of martyrdom on behalf of this young woman who was murdered at the age of 20 resisting an individual who attempted to rape her. Her tomb, located in the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Piedad (Our Lady of Mercy) in Barbacena, is visited by the faithful who journey there to offer prayers and give thanks. Because Isabel is recognized as a martyr, there is no need for a miracle in order for her to be beatified.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we adore you and we bless you for the strength and the courage that you give to so many of your children, so many generous individuals who inspire us with their example. May the most Blessed Trinity be praised in the person of Blessed Isabel Cristina, who gave her life defending her purity and virginity. Give us the grace to imitate her and, if it is your will, grant her the honor of being raised up on high as a reward for her offering. Amen!
Sources: https://www.pbcm.org.br/ and Vatican News and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul