Wow Protestant Cameron Bertuzzi of Youtube's "Capturing Christianity" Announces his Conversion to the Catholic Faith!
"The big announcement is, that on September 20th 2022, I decided to become Catholic. I'm currently in an RCIA program and will be confirmed this coming Easter. This decision came at the tail end of a deep study into the evidence for and against the papacy. As a Protestant I went into this study with an open mind, I ultimately I told myself that I would follow the evidence wherever it leads, even if that conclusion is uncomfortable for me or for my family. My Protestant friends were very confident that it would result in a deep confirmation of my existing Protestant beliefs but they were wrong. What I found was that the evidence strongly suggests that the papacy is true."
Cameron also announced that Matt Fradd would be interviewing him on the channel Pints with Aquinas:
Two years ago he interviewed Bishop Robert Barron and asked if he should become Catholic: