Miracle Caught on Video? A Catholic Priest's Car is Miraculously Saved by Angels on their Feast Day!

Fr. Bok continued:
On most weekends I have a Mass at St. Andrew Parish in Milford. On Sunday, October 2, I was scheduled for the 9:00 a.m. Mass. At about 8:40 a.m. I was on a road behind the church just about ready to turn in the church’s parking lot. I sort of saw something out of the corner of my left eye fly by the back of me. I was born with a lazy left eye and have very limited vision out of it. I thought maybe it was a large bird or something and continued on my way to have the Mass. Watch the video below to see what really happened.
A family that owns a funeral home next to where all of this happened often invites me to join them at a local restaurant for breakfast after Mass. I joined them that morning. One of the sons is a policeman and had on his phone a video of what happened taken from one of the security cameras in their parking lot. He recognized the white car as mine. When he showed me the video I couldn’t believe what happened.
A 17 year old boy driving on the next road had a seizure and passed out. He jumped the curb on the road he was on, passed through a yard, and was ready to broadside me on the driver’s side when his car hit a pole that bent and catapulted his car over mine. His car landed on its wheels and soon came to a stop. The young boy was taken to the hospital, checked out, and was fine. I was not hurt and my car was not scratched. I drive a 2014 Hyundai Sonata. According to Google it is 4.83 feet tall. Why was the pole standing in that exact spot attached to nothing? By what laws of physics did it lift the boy’s car almost 5 feet in the air and send it over my car? So many questions. I am certainly thankful to God. I will continue to wonder how much God and how much the laws of science played in the experience. And I continue to be amused by the fact that I was oblivious to what happened until I saw the video in the restaurant. As always, God is good.
Source: https://www.stanthony.org/angels-watching-over-fr-john/