After voting. 115 seats in the Senate and 235 in the Chamber: Georgia Meloni "sees" the numbers to govern.
Giorgia Meloni was born in Rome on the 15th of January 1977. She is an Italian politician and journalist. She has led the Brothers of Italy (FdI) political party since 2014, and has been the president of the European Conservatives and Reformists Party since 2020. She will be Italy's 1st female prime minister.The new Parliament: First force, followed by the Democratic Party and the League. M5s with more seats than Forza Italia. Self-sufficient center-right but does not reach the thresholds of 60% and 2/3. There are 10 parties represented
According to a YouTrend projection for Sky Tg24, the center-right would have 235 of the 400 deputies and 115 of the 206 senators (in Palazzo Madama the six senators for life also affect the quorum).
In the Senate, the center-right would therefore have 115 senators, a majority not huge but still numerically self-sufficient. In fact, from the next legislature 200 senators will sit at Palazzo Madama (196 + 4 elected abroad), to which 6 senators for life will be added, who also contribute to the voting quorum. The center-right collects the numbers to govern but would be far from a two-thirds majority in the House and Senate which would allow it to pass constitutional reforms without going to a referendum. Furthermore, the sum of center-right deputies and senators
In any case, the road to a new government will be long and complex. Meanwhile, the times do not play in favor of a quick solution to the puzzle: the new Chambers will meet for the first time on 13 October, and the initial classroom dossier will not be the new executive but the election of the presidents, or presidents, of Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama. In the most optimistic of forecasts, Italy will have the premier and a team of ministers by the end of October, not before.
Edited from Avvenire and Aljazeera