In Saskatchewan, Canada, on September 4, 2022, a mass stabbing occurred in 13 locations on the James Smith Cree Nation and in Weldon. Tragically, 11 people were killed and 19 others injured. Police were looking for two suspects in the killing spree: brothers Damien Sanderson, age 31, and Myles Sanderson, age 30. On September 5, Damien was found dead with multiple wounds and on September 7, Myles was arrested in Rosthern, Saskatchewan. Here are the names of all the victims: Carol Burns, 46, Gregory Burns, 28, Lydia Gloria Burns, 61, Bonnie Burns, 48, Earl Burns, 66, Lana Head, 49, Christian Head, 54, Robert Sanderson, 49, Wesley Petterson, 78, Thomas Burns, 23.
SEE Video Below:Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert Statement
September 6,2022
Dear Brothers alld Sisters in Christ:
We have all been deeply shocked and saddened at the horrific acts of violence that took place at James Smith Cree Nation and the village of Weldon on Sunday.
I have written to the Prince Albert Grand Council, the Chief of James Smith Cree Nation, and to the mayor of the village of Weldon to express the solidarity, prayers, and support of the people of our Diocese in the face of this tragedy.
Please keep in your prayers the victims and families who have been touched by this senseless violence and who are now grieving and struggling to cope with the loss of their loved ones. The work of the RCMP and first responders has been heroic. As people of Saskatchewan, we express our profound gratitude to them for their efforts to keep us safe even at the risk or - sometimes - loss of their own life in the line of duty. We pray for their own needs and that of their families too. I would kindly ask the clergy to include intercessions for the above intentions in the daily and Sunday Masses. We will circulate requests for practical assistance as these are made known. Various efforts are already being advertised on social media.
May the kindness and love of so many slowly help to bring God's light into this darkness and may we assist as we can to bring friendship and relief to those who are burdened. Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Stephen A. Hero Bishop of Prince Albert
Sources: CBC, https://thestarphoenix.com/news/saskatchewan/live-manhunt-continues-for-saskatchewan-stabbing-rampage-suspects