Wow LISTEN to a Heavenly Childrens' Choir Sing Biebl's Ave Maria Inside a Historic Church - It Will Touch Your Soul!
This performance was conducted by Devi Fransisca with solo by Alicia K. Hartono.
Ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
Nunc et in hora mortis, In hora, hora mortis nostrae, AMEN
Hail Mary, full of grace, Mary, full of grace, Hail, Hail, the Lord, The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners,Now, and at the hour of our death, The hour of our death. AMEN
In 1964, a German fireman asked Franz Biebl, his church organist, to write a piece for the men’s choir at the firehouse. Biebl composed the song, and the men’s choir sang it, and it was forgotten. A few years later, when Biebl was the head of choral programs for the Bayerischen Rundfunk, he invited American choirs to come to Munich and sing on the radio with other German choirs. One of these choirs was introduced to his Ave Maria and brought it back to the US, where it became increasingly popular. Later, Chanticleer recorded it and it became a worldwide hit.
Ave Maria of Franz Bibel, written in 1964, is one of the most beautiful works for double choir and engaging works composed in the 20th century. The lyric tenderness and the rich chordal texture of his Ave Maria are set in a contemplative fashion. (Source: Youtube linked above)